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Banner Pay Per Click Ad Traffic

· Crazy Cheap Traffic · High Quality Traffic because they have to jump through 10 hoops to find you.
· Prune and Cut Bad Traffic Immediately · More Appealing (User Friendly) · Evaluate the Relevancy of Your Ad Immediately · The Way Google is Going · Then It will be Video Ads to get Prepared Now! 1.
Image Ad Characteristics · Three Opportunities to Click · Headline · Sub-headline · Compelling Photo · Description · Call to Action 2.
Image Ad Sizes (Should Have Banners is Every Size to Get in the Most Possible Slots) * 20dollarbanners.
com (Only get the *'s done because you can shrink them down) * Banner (468 x 60) * Leader-board (728 x 90) * Square (250 x 250) * Small Square (200 x 200) * Large Rectangle (336 x 280) * Medium Rectangle (300 x 250) * Skyscraper (120 x 600) * Wide Skyscraper (160 x 600) The Process 1.
Locate Sites With Targeted Traffic (AVOID NETWORKS!!) * Top organic sites that don't accept Google AdWords (bigger) * access previously untapped traffic * Top organic sites that do accept Google AdWords (way smaller, goldmine) * better placements * lower ad costs * better payment terms (30, 60 or even 90 days) 2.
Create Your Banner Ads * Designs 1.
Blend in, match the site exactly (CPC basis) or stand out (CPM basis) 2.
Sell the click - not the offer (not enough room in the ad to sell, use buttons and links to tell them where to click, FREE Report) 3.
Use Blue Underlined Links Always (Even under buy buttons, psychologically programmed to click there) 4.
Run smaller ads not tall ones if possible 5.
Tell them where to click 6.
Text still sells 7.
Always stay above the fold 3.
Request a Media Kit * Look for advertise link * Request more information while saying as little as possible...
Design a Test Campaign (use email in the beginning otherwise negotiate on the phone) * Don't be a Jerk.
Save the hard negotiations for round two.
Just Protect your test budgets.
* I'm a direct response marketer.
As long as we're getting the ROI we need to get my ad budget is infinite.
How qualified is your traffic? * rate card is for suckers...
proposal should start at 50% of rate-card (when you're doing these impressions please start out these impressions at a reasonable rate) * protect your test budget * test specific pages...
not run of site (they will try to run your ads on crappy pages and take advantage of you if you don't know what you are doing) * never pay for placements below the fold * pay in advance (show you are a player) 5.
Negotiate Better Rates and Terms * The Campaign Bombed, Crushed or Borderline...
(most will be borderline) * If the Campaign Bombs come in and tell them the truth ask for another run for free.
If they refuse move on.
Some are like this and just a one and done company.
* If Campaign crushes: * do not brag or show excitement of any kind.
* Resist the urge to do a major ad buy.
* Lock in monthly rates but increase impressions * Ask them to bundle in other placements * Ask for better payment terms (net 30/60) * If Campaign is borderline: * be honest about the numbers and tell them what you can afford * ask for more above the fold impressions for the same money * *if they have an email list, ask for a solo mailing (preferably endorsed)* * Arrange for more favorable payment terms (30-90 days)

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