About Dimmer Switches
- There are different types of dimmer switches available for light control. They essentially all perform the same functions, but merely have different appearances. These types are slide-type dimmers (large slide handles with illumination), toggle-type dimmers (adjusted up and down), rotary dimmers (single pole switches with a dial) and automatic dimmers (they come with on-and-off settings on the switch).
- There are many benefits to using dimmer switches. They make controlling light levels very easy. They give the user total control of the amount of light in a room. Also, they can create a unique and special ambiance in a room, and give it a more dramatic atmosphere than other types of light switches.
- However, before you decide to change all of your light switches to dimmer switches, there are a few things to consider. Dimmer pole switches are usually much more expensive than single pole switches, costing $5 for a basic dimmer to about $100 for a multi-room controller. Also, if you are planning on installing a dimmer into a box with a lot of wires, you might want to reconsider because the heat of the dimmer can be dangerous with all of those wires pushing against it.
- The first electronic dimmer switch was created in 1961 by Joel Spira. The switch controlled the length of time that the current flowed to the light bulb or the lamp. In the end, the result was the same regarding light intensity, but there was less waste of energy because the electricity didn't flow past the switch from the start. The dimmers worked so rapidly that it was impossible to tell whether they were being turned on or off.
- There are a lot of places online to purchase reliable dimmer switches, providing a diverse selection. Some places to look for dimmer switches are Lutron Electronics, Y Lighting, ProLighting.com, Lowe's, Anigmo and Stage Lighting USA.