Health & Medical sports & Exercise

What Are The Most Safe Exercises For Elderly People?

You are not alone if you are searching for ways to keep your aging parents strong and healthy.
It is emotionally exhausting to assume the role of caregiver.
It is sad to realize that the once stalwart man that hoisted you high in the air is the same man struggling to climb the front staircase and the same woman that spent hours kneading loaves of bread in the kitchen can barely lift a cast iron skillet to cook dinner.
If your memories and realities are clashing, it may be time to think through some ways you might be able to help.
Below are some friendly tips about safe exercises for elderly people and specifically, the ones in your life who need elder care.
WALKING Lean muscles promote a healthy weight and strong bones.
It is true that you have to "use it or lose it".
The least expensive and easiest exercise is walking.
Seniors that are able to walk just 20 minutes, three times per week can benefit from a stroll in the neighborhood.
Additional Tip: To prevent falls, make sure you choose level areas with no obstructions.
WATER EXERCISES The best way to help your loved ones remain strong is through a regular schedule of safe exercises for the elderly.
Many gerontologists recommend water exercises for seniors.
We do not all have a pool in the yard; however, local YMCA facilities have expert employees that are trained to lead safe water classes.
Additional Tip: Did you know water adds gentle resistance to exercise routines and reduces stress on the joints? CHAIR EXERCISES Elderly people that have trouble walking for long periods of time or have trouble balancing are finding chair exercises to be beneficial for use in home programs and are used for those with arthritis.
Programs are designed for elderly exercise routines to strengthen bones and muscles without over exertion to the lungs or joints.
Weights can be added if desired.
CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN Before you begin putting together any type of elderly exercise routines, consider your loved one's overall health and consult with your primary care physicians.
Another excellent resource for family caregivers is to check with physical therapists, elderly care services or home health care providers for suggestions.
Advice about exercises for seniors should be based on their personal health requirements and current fitness levels and some caregiver agencies make it a priority to work with your physicians to provide this information.
Exploring the various safe exercises for elderly people in conjunction with your family members, before they reach a fragile stage is highly recommended.
The earlier you start, the more likely the programs are to benefit your relatives.
If you are already seeing signs that your mom, dad or loved one may need exercise routines explored immediately - Do not wait, get started today.

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