Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Your Options in Shar Pei Training

When you decide to give your shar pei the training he needs, begin as soon as you can.
Puppies start learning the moment they are home; so get their brains going on the good stuff! But what is good with training is that it is never too early, but also never too late.
Most dog owners get their pups to obedience classes while they are six months old.
On the other hand, an older dog will appreciate the mental stimulation that a fun training class can give him.
A variety of dog training professionals can be consulted nowadays, which also means a wide variety of obedience training available.
These conventional types of training fall into either the traditional training category (aversive methods to teach the dog what not to do), or the positive reinforcement or motivation based training category (focuses on your relationship with your dog and how to make it part of your family).
The former type taught the dog to perform and deliver well what is asked of him, since if he does not, he suffers from a strong reminder.
But this not the present case, since dogs these days are more and more of a family member.
A common duty for them would involve keeping the couch warm and playing with the kids.
The traditional trainer will use methods that will teach your dog to obey you in order to avoid experiencing physical harm, or that will physically stun the dog into obedience.
Trainers like these often use a choke collar or a pinch collar.
Even if there is now more use of food rewards among these trainers to foster better behavior, there is still nevertheless the presence of harsh, painful and sometimes dangerous means, and many dog owners know that fear can actually lead to more aggressiveness.
But this is unsurprising just the same since the chains and collars usually do not have instructions attached, therefore leading to unpredictable results.
Even properly handled dogs trained on choke chains risk developing spinal injuries from repeated jerking on the cervical spine.
Thus, these devices seem to be unnecessary, extra steps in your shar pei training, or any training for that matter.
Positive shar pei training simply means training the dog to pick up the appropriate manners, and then rewarding him for doing it.
He must choose to offer the correct behavior so that he gains privileges, food or acceptance, which eventually means an easier way to remember the desirable behavior.
In time, the dog will want to act out what we want for him.
But at the root of all this is the proven idea that dogs are opportunists; they do everything because they get something out of it.
The task for every dog owner is to be sure the dog gets what he wants only by doing the behaviors you want.

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