If Your Life Is In Turmoil? Check Your Character Type For Your Ideal Self And Life Style
We all have different values, and we all have a different mix of values.
This is what makes us, as an individual, significantly different to the next person.
But what exactly do you stand for? German Psychologist Eduard Spranger suggested there are six main values in human beings that can be used to classify six basic types of people.
A useful Self Analysis tool, this character type analysis reflects the values you, as the individual, consider to be the most important in life.
Economic Type Admiring this particular character type shows you to be a practical person who values a down to earth approach to life.
Economic types do not seek experiences for their own sake, but instead value solid achievements, especially when confirmed by a financial reward.
Religious Type The Religious subject values spiritual experiences, which may be inside or outside conventional formal religion.
Theoretical Type The Theoretical person values the pursuit of truth and information above everything else.
Your ideal self, if you are a theoretical character type, is likely to be an intellectual, perhaps a scientist or philosopher.
Aesthetic Type The Aesthetic subject enjoys every moment of life which is savoured for it's beauty.
Aesthetic character Type people tend to enjoy life's diversity without being restricted by practical considerations.
Political Type The main, and most important value sought by the 'Political' subject is that of power.
Status and influence are critically important to this character type, who tend to crave dominant roles.
Social Type The Social personalities tend to value love of other people over all other values - this type finds satisfaction in self sacrifice and admires kindness.
One way to evaluate your approach to life is to compare yourself to other individuals who appear to have reached a high level of satisfaction.
It is at this stage that your character type preference becomes apparent, as you, the self analysing subject, become aware of subconsciously admiring certain individuals who secretly comply with your own values.
The overall purpose in self analysis is to determine exactly where you are, and fit in, with your life, but conversely, the ultimate objective is to make our lives match our deeply hidden, subconscious standards, and analysing our Character Type forms just one aspect of doing so.
Once our correct character type has been clearly defined, although many of us have bits of two - or more - character types in our make up, it becomes a powerful tool in organising our life, career, and relationships to more closely resemble what we subconsciously 'expect' to conform with our hidden standards.
It comes as no surprise that many of us face internal and external conflicts in our lives, making us uncomfortable without realising why.
The restructuring of an individual's life after powerful self analysis enables an individual to become more at peace with his or her life, avoiding situations, jobs and relationships that make the individual acutely dissatisfied without reason.
The character type self analysis tool is just one a small number of powerful tools that enable an individual to synchronise his or her life to avoid unexplainable inner conflict and turmoil.
This is what makes us, as an individual, significantly different to the next person.
But what exactly do you stand for? German Psychologist Eduard Spranger suggested there are six main values in human beings that can be used to classify six basic types of people.
A useful Self Analysis tool, this character type analysis reflects the values you, as the individual, consider to be the most important in life.
Economic Type Admiring this particular character type shows you to be a practical person who values a down to earth approach to life.
Economic types do not seek experiences for their own sake, but instead value solid achievements, especially when confirmed by a financial reward.
Religious Type The Religious subject values spiritual experiences, which may be inside or outside conventional formal religion.
Theoretical Type The Theoretical person values the pursuit of truth and information above everything else.
Your ideal self, if you are a theoretical character type, is likely to be an intellectual, perhaps a scientist or philosopher.
Aesthetic Type The Aesthetic subject enjoys every moment of life which is savoured for it's beauty.
Aesthetic character Type people tend to enjoy life's diversity without being restricted by practical considerations.
Political Type The main, and most important value sought by the 'Political' subject is that of power.
Status and influence are critically important to this character type, who tend to crave dominant roles.
Social Type The Social personalities tend to value love of other people over all other values - this type finds satisfaction in self sacrifice and admires kindness.
One way to evaluate your approach to life is to compare yourself to other individuals who appear to have reached a high level of satisfaction.
It is at this stage that your character type preference becomes apparent, as you, the self analysing subject, become aware of subconsciously admiring certain individuals who secretly comply with your own values.
The overall purpose in self analysis is to determine exactly where you are, and fit in, with your life, but conversely, the ultimate objective is to make our lives match our deeply hidden, subconscious standards, and analysing our Character Type forms just one aspect of doing so.
Once our correct character type has been clearly defined, although many of us have bits of two - or more - character types in our make up, it becomes a powerful tool in organising our life, career, and relationships to more closely resemble what we subconsciously 'expect' to conform with our hidden standards.
It comes as no surprise that many of us face internal and external conflicts in our lives, making us uncomfortable without realising why.
The restructuring of an individual's life after powerful self analysis enables an individual to become more at peace with his or her life, avoiding situations, jobs and relationships that make the individual acutely dissatisfied without reason.
The character type self analysis tool is just one a small number of powerful tools that enable an individual to synchronise his or her life to avoid unexplainable inner conflict and turmoil.