Health & Medical Body building

The Three Most Important Tips to Build Great Muscle

One of the most difficult thing there is to do is build muscle.
It takes hard work, eating right and sometimes the right kinds of supplements.
I personally struggled with this for years.
I struggled to gain any weight early on, and after I did gain some I struggled to keep it.
Over the years I have learned many little secrets that are important factors in gaining lean muscle mass, and actually keeping it.
It is possible even for hard gainers to build muscle, I am going to share my 3 key factors to successful muscle gains.
I truly do hope many people use these for their own success, I know they work because they are based on sound science.
A) Compound Exercises - This is the biggest thing you can do in the gym, you need to make sure that your exercises are compound multi joint exercises.
There is very little reason to be wasting your time doing leg extensions, situps or single arm bicep curls.
They just don't put your body through enough of a workout.
95% of your workout should consist of these compound exercises.
Exercises like, bench press, dips for your chest, cable rows and lat pulldowns or chinups for your back, overhead press or clean and press for your shoulders and deadlifts and squats for your legs.
Don't forget about you're your core.
You can do a bit of core stuff, but in all honesty while doing all these compound exercises you will be doing a ton of core work while doing these exercises.
So about 95% of your workout should be these compound exercises, the other 5% you can do the isolation exercises that are cramping up most of your other workout.
B) Intensity - Really the intensity of your workout is important.
You have got to put your all in it.
The good news is your marathon sessions at the gym are over.
You should be spending about 45 min 3-4 times a week at the gym.
But this time should be spent by working intensely.
You want to both burn calories, but build muscle.
One of the best ways to add intensity to your workouts is by doing supersets or trisets.
During supersets you combine two exercises together with about 10-20second in between.
Tor tri sets you combine a third exercise.
These are advanced techniques, and you will notice that the second exercise really burns and you will not be able to lift as much.
But that's not a big deal, the main thing you are looking for is the burn not the amount of weight you are lifting, and you will get it doing these.
You will get significant gains by adding intensity to your workouts.
C) Eat Quality Foods - Eat high quality real foods instead of highly process easy foods.
You need to stick to your food triangle, eating your meats fruits and veggies.
As well you should be drinking a post workout meal.
This should contain a protein powder and if you are looking to gain some serious muscle then add some creatine to the mix.
During the day you should be eating whole eggs, meats like beef and chicken fruits and veggies like broccoli and avocado.
These are the absolute best way to eat, nutrition is half the battle.
I know a lot of people that workout a lot and eat poorly and they don't look like they should.
Adding these tips to your workouts will for sure bring them up a notch.
I guarantee you will see results that you never thought possible, and your body will look like you have been wanting it to for years.

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