Demon in the Cell
I was in prison for a two-year sentence and got back to reading the Bible and rethinking my life. I'm not some easily convinced person when it comes to the paranormal and would say that even spiritual experiences should be tested and thought through using a little common logic, reason, psychology and an understanding of human behaviors and surrounding conditions.
I was on the second tier at a receiving and classification maximum prison.
We were all locked down for the night. They have these huge fans that you can hear running like generators just outside the cells somewhere. I was on the bottom bunk of a two-man cell. I was lying down, fetal position facing the wall. My cellmate was sleeping above me.
As I lay there, I started to drift asleep... when suddenly I felt somebody in the cell. It felt like somebody was standing behind me as I lay there. So I started to open my eyes very slowly... and did, but only opened them slightly so that whoever it was wouldn't see my eyes totally open and know that I was awake. I did this because I was wanted to know their intentions. I thought it must be one of the guards, but then I reasoned with myself that I should have heard the loud clanking of the keys opening the cell, not to mention the loud rumble of the cell door slide open. This thought set my heart racing, because at the same time I knew if it were my cellmate I definitely would have felt the bunk move as he climbed down from his bed.
Then things got really weird. I felt this spirit, or demon or whatever it was lean closer to me. It was to the point I could even feel its body heat right next to the side of my head. Just then I started to hear a low drone inside my head. It sounded like listening to a motor boat idling while you are under water. Like Wuuuuh wuuuh wuuuh wuuuuh wuuuh... but muffled. Then a chanting came from within that sound. It was repeating words I didn't understand. It was chanting, "Koos kahs course koos kahs course koos kahs course..." and then my whole body froze and I couldn't breathe. I moved a finger, then my hand, then my arm... then I jumped up, gasped and looked around, but nobody was there. I jumped out of bed and shook my cellmate and told him what happened, and he thought I was nuts. Couldn't blame him really; there certainly were plenty of nut cases in that place.
Now maybe it was just that weird state you sometimes go into when you're almost asleep... you know, your body slows down before the conscience does.... But still... it sure felt real as hell to me, and it's something I haven't forgottn after 20 years.
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I was on the second tier at a receiving and classification maximum prison.
We were all locked down for the night. They have these huge fans that you can hear running like generators just outside the cells somewhere. I was on the bottom bunk of a two-man cell. I was lying down, fetal position facing the wall. My cellmate was sleeping above me.
As I lay there, I started to drift asleep... when suddenly I felt somebody in the cell. It felt like somebody was standing behind me as I lay there. So I started to open my eyes very slowly... and did, but only opened them slightly so that whoever it was wouldn't see my eyes totally open and know that I was awake. I did this because I was wanted to know their intentions. I thought it must be one of the guards, but then I reasoned with myself that I should have heard the loud clanking of the keys opening the cell, not to mention the loud rumble of the cell door slide open. This thought set my heart racing, because at the same time I knew if it were my cellmate I definitely would have felt the bunk move as he climbed down from his bed.
Then things got really weird. I felt this spirit, or demon or whatever it was lean closer to me. It was to the point I could even feel its body heat right next to the side of my head. Just then I started to hear a low drone inside my head. It sounded like listening to a motor boat idling while you are under water. Like Wuuuuh wuuuh wuuuh wuuuuh wuuuh... but muffled. Then a chanting came from within that sound. It was repeating words I didn't understand. It was chanting, "Koos kahs course koos kahs course koos kahs course..." and then my whole body froze and I couldn't breathe. I moved a finger, then my hand, then my arm... then I jumped up, gasped and looked around, but nobody was there. I jumped out of bed and shook my cellmate and told him what happened, and he thought I was nuts. Couldn't blame him really; there certainly were plenty of nut cases in that place.
Now maybe it was just that weird state you sometimes go into when you're almost asleep... you know, your body slows down before the conscience does.... But still... it sure felt real as hell to me, and it's something I haven't forgottn after 20 years.
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