Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Kind Leaders Generate Positive Changes

Although I have trained well over a thousand leaders in the past more than thirty years, and continue to focus on the optimum way to create or inspire individuals to leadership greatness, the one aspect that no trainer can teach is what's in an individual's heart.
That true part of someone's persona is often the overwhelming influence on how a leader treats others, and without a kind heart, optimum leadership is almost always impossible.
Harold Kushner wrote, "When you are kind to others, it not only changes you, it changes the world.
" Even the greatest leadership training professionals, and I consider myself one of them, cannot instill kindness into someone's heart, and without that component, true empathy and compassion are not possible.
I often tell people to generally ignore what a leader or potential leader says in public, but instead observe what he says and/ or does when he doesn't realize others are watching.
What are the person's behavior toward his family and loved ones? How does he react when someone challenges him? What is his overall demeanor? True kindness can never be faked.
When a leader is kind, he cares far more about his followers and his organization than he does about creating his legacy, or being patted on the back.
Leaders who speak first and foremost about themselves are generally not the kindest individuals.
Does the leader take personal responsibility, or does he tend to blame others? Does the leader make a concerted effort to thank those who volunteer their time and efforts, or does he just make a blanket thank you to a group, without true sincerity? Observe these things and they will reveal tons about the individual, not only as a leader, but as a person.
Kind leaders, first and foremost, care about others.
They realize that people have feelings, and try to be gentle when gentleness is called for.
They focus on creating true value to others and their group, and always maintain absolute integrity.
They only say what they really mean, and don't just use a bunch of platitudes and empty rhetoric! True leaders are kind leaders.
They focus on other's needs, and never let their ego get in the way of being a true leader.
Their attitudes are positive, and their actions and tones are focused and constructive.
They never blame others, nor ever get involved in the easy way out of back- stabbing.
They transmit a uniform message regardless of their surroundings, and are one hundred percent honest and trustworthy.
They maintain their integrity at all times, and thus, even when others disagree, there maintains a common ground and relationship, which can help lead the way to positive results.

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