Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Chiropractic Care for Children and Infants

Chiropractic care for children and infants is effective and safe from birth. This type of care is often used to treat a wide variety of both simple and complex medical issues. Chiropractic care is also regarded as the most widely-used form of alternative care for this age group.

When performed by a licensed and experienced doctor, chiropractic care can start immediately after birth. Doctors of chiropractic are both licensed and trained to ensure safe and proper care of young patients who suffer from problems as varied as simple pain to complex scoliosis, allergies, and recurring ear infection.

Chiropractic for newborns

Many people are surprised to learn that newborn babies can suffer from misalignment, or subluxation, of the spine. This is due to the physical stresses of the birth process. Here, it's important to remember that birth itself isn't unnatural, and shouldn't be treated as a €medical' condition. However, sometimes the management of the birthing process can cause physical stress, and even trauma.

In fact, there's even the possibility a newborn may suffer from something called €Traumatic Birth Syndrome.€ Newborns suffering this condition often have excessive force applied to their head, neck, and spine during the delivery process. These stresses typically happen when a doctor places undue stress upon a newborn baby's head and neck. The problem can be made worse when a mother lays on her back during the delivery process, thereby reducing the available space in the birth canal.

Put in more direct terms, one of the first physical challenges faced by a child is the position its spine is forced to morph in utero. Fetal positions that can cause problems with an infant's spine include such positions as brow, breech, transverse, posterior, ascynclitic, and others. These fetal positions can push and disrupt an infant's spinal segments. When forced into these positions during a long birthing process, an infant's spine can be stressed and compressed. Because of this, even natural birthing methods can be problematic for an infant.

Sometimes, damage or serious injury to the infant occurs from this type of birthing stress. Other times, a simple subluxation or misalignment of the spine can cause problems during birth. During these problematic events, spinal cord damage, neural hemorrhage and other nervous system problems are a real possibility. Some of the problems are immediate, while others can be €hidden€ or take years to surface. They include sudden infant death syndrome, brain stem bleeding, breathing problems, and behavioral effects.

The good news is that a simple chiropractic checkup by a licensed doctor of chiropractic can be very helpful in identifying spinal misalignment and subluxations in newborns. What's more, checking an infant's spine for problems is painless for the child, and also very easy.
Children and young teens

The benefits of chiropractic care for children and young teens has also been shown safe and effective.

For example, both the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) and the International Chiropractors Association endorse chiropractic care for children and young teens. What's more, several organized groups directly oversee pediatric chiropractics, including the Council on Chiropractic Pediatrics for both the ACA and the ICA.

In fact, this type of care has been shown the most popular form of alternative medicine for children. Chiropractic care often helps with back, neck, and other pains, along with issues like asthma, chronic ear infections, difficulties with eating and nursing, colic and bedwetting.

Some might ask, why do my kids need chiropractic? The answer is simple: children go through physical problems during their growing years. That means the physical problems that accompany this growth often affects their spines, and can hamper their growth and resulting development.

Chiropractic care benefit the child by correcting his or her spinal alignment, and improving his or her overall health. When a child's vertebrae are misaligned during birth, impacts, falls, and other injuries, muscles and nerves can also be harmed. Chiropractic adjustments loosen and offer therapy to joints, along with relieving nerve pressure. Many parents report successful chiropractic treatment in children for issues as diverse as earaches, respiratory infection, muscular pain, neck pain, and trauma from accidents.

Chiropractic care for scoliosis

Chiropractic care is also tremendously useful in correcting scoliosis. Spinal adjustment, along with the use of special bracing, monitoring, and other methods has been shown to effectively treat scoliosis when used correctly.

In summary, the use of natural, drug-free chiropractic care can be as, or more effective than traditional medicine when it comes to treating chronic pain, scoliosis, and a host of other problems in infants, children, and young teens.

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