Home & Garden Pest Control

How To Protect Your Health And Get Rid Of Awful Smells With Crawl Space Encapsulation

Crawl Spaces have been always around, but they became increasingly popular when homeowners started to recognize the improved convenience they have.
Compared to the conventional floor setups and concrete floors, crawlspaces granted easy access to the plumbing setup and air ducts, and repairing them became effortless.
Moreover, crawlspaces were also used as a storage facility.
However, like any good thing in the world, crawlspaces also have its fair share of problems: trapped moisture, vermin, termites, and carpenter ants; invasion of wildlife and accumulation of foul gases to name a few.
I've been doing crawl space encapsulation business for more than two decades now.
A good number of correspondences I have addressed were always concerning the foul smell and bad odors that are generated from crawlspaces.
It's imperative to recognize the root causes behind such foul odors and we need to work on strategies that will eliminate the root causes.
Crawlspace encapsulation is relatively a new technique which will help you to protect your crawl space, and the health of your family.
However, you need to know how to choose the right encapsulation system for your home.
By encapsulating your crawl space, you no longer have to worry about rodents or other wild animals invading your crawl space, moisture accumulation, termites and foul smell that was haunting you for long.
A Do-It-Yourself encapsulation kit will undisputedly help you to protect your home from unwanted disasters.
Choosing the Right Crawl Space Encapsulation System: Things to Look For: There are four potential threats for your crawl space: mold, water, rodents and other animals.
Foul smell is a result of all these elements.
Your crawl space is the natural source of fresh air but when odor is generated in this area, the fresh air entering your home will also be affected.
By eliminating the root causes of odor, you can significantly improve the air quality in your home.
  • Liner: I receive several phone calls from disappointed customers who spent their hard-earned money on thin liners because some store owner advised them to do so.
    However, any liner material without 0.
    000 permeability and at least 20mil thickness won't help you to encapsulate the system and prevent water and radon gas entering your home.
  • Water: You need a waterproof encapsulation because this will help you to prevent rain water or any other source of running water entering your crawlspace.
    Moreover, this will also help you to bring down the moisture level, which is a good initiative in making your crawl space unsuitable for rodents and mold.
  • Dehumidifier: If you install the proper liner system, the need for a dehumidifier is greatly reduced as the purpose of removing moisture.
    The reason being, that a proper liner system will stop the water or moisture before it gets into the home or crawlspace, thus eliminating the need for a dehumidifier.
  • Mold Neutralizer: Dehumidifiers can prevent mold growth to a large extent, but mold neutralizer destroys bacteria, algae and mold and also prevents their future growth.
These are some important factors to be considered when installing an encapsulation system for your home.
You also need to consider the warranty & price offered by your store owner.
Maintaining your home can be expensive, but by investing in professional encapsulating systems that will protect your home for several decades, you're making a wise investment.

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