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Emotionomics: Appealing to Your Audience"s Emotional Side Shows Proven Success

Emotionomics is the benefit you get from of marketing to your audiences emotional side, not just to their rational side.
It is based on Neuromarketing, the science of tracking brainwaves as they react to marketing visuals and messages.
It's a science that's been around for a while and it's something every business can benefit from.
Following are the main points we share with our clients regarding emotional marketing: It's a proven theory: people feel before they think: People can justify anything they want, then rationalize it with whatever logic they like.
If emotional decision-making weren't true, how would you explain why so many folks drive BMWs and Mercedes, instead of Hondas? The importance of emotions in marketing: Emotion-based marketing can make a difference in your marketing because cost-cutting measures can only go so far and technology can be copied, but emotional connections have the chance to be unique to your company.
We're all members of the Short Attention Span Society.
Explain the benefit of what you have to offer in 5 seconds or less.
If not, there's a good chance you probably won't get your audience's attention at all.
So your visuals and headlines are the most critical thing to focus on.
Stop talking about yourself.
It might be counter intuitive, but really, your audience only wants to hear what's in it for them.
Tell them how you make their lives easier, or make them look better to their spouses, bosses or friends.
Are you better than your competition? Does your marketing show that? Or is it as bad as theirs? It's easy to make your marketing better than most because most marketing stinks.
People remember much more of what they see than what they read.
One study shows people remember 70% of what they see and 30% of what they read.
Two truths in Marketing: Women are the main decision-makers in most purchases.
And no one believes what marketers say.
It's all about differentiation.
Folgers is known as the "mountain grown coffee" but a little know fact is: ALL coffee is grown in the mountains! It's impossible not to grow coffee in the mountains, but they were the first to say it! And it sounds good.
Miller is the "cold filtered beer" but did you know that ALL beer is cold filtered? They were just the first ones to say it! It is technically true, and...
it sounds good for a beer! Do you remember what Volvo is known for? And Head & Shoulders? Of course you do, because they focused their attention on a single selling point.
Even a small company can differentiate itself.
Let's use Columbus, Ohio as our example: There are over 100 foot doctors in Columbus.
One doctor wanted to stand out, so he positioned himself as "The Bunion Expert.
" Why? Because 50% of foot problems are bunions, so it focused his expertise.
And who wouldn't want an expert to take care of their > ewww< bunions? And a home builder trying to stand out in the Nashville market became known as the "Aging-in-Place Specialist.
" Bottom line is, don't be afraid to take a chance with your marketing to make it stand out, because not making your marketing emotionally different is actually the bigger risk.

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