Addiction - Stop it From Ruining Your Life - Get Help Now For Your Addiction
Living with your addiction is not really living at all.
The one and only thing that matters in your life is your need to fulfill your addiction.
It does not matter what you are addicted to, whether it is heroin, alcohol, gambling, cigarettes or food.
It is an addiction and you need to tackle the problem now! There are just two options open to you.
You can carry on exactly the same as you are doing and end up poor, lonely, unhappy, ashamed or even dead, (depending on the type of addiction you have).
Or you can admit you need help! My personal addiction was online gambling and my personal 'cure' was hypnotherapy, but the main thing about a 'cure' is that you have to be at that point when you WANT TO STOP.
If you are not then you will fail as the addiction will be stronger than you.
When you are at that point of 'I want to stop' then you must do something.
Whether it is family you turn to or if that is too painful then here is just as good, as long as it is someone or something that will help you to take that first steps to where you need to be.
I wanted to write this article hoping that if just one person reads it and realises that they are addicted (to whatever) and actually does something about it, then my addiction that almost ruined my life was at least for a reason.
If not then I am just another idiot on the sorry list of addicts.
If you are reading this thinking what a load of rubbish, "I'm not stupid enough to let my addiction take control of me", then just think for a minute.
When you are sat watching the TV do you think of it?, when you first wake up in the morning do you think of it?, when you are drifting to sleep at night is it the last thing you think of? If it is then it is official, YOU ARE ADDICTED!
The one and only thing that matters in your life is your need to fulfill your addiction.
It does not matter what you are addicted to, whether it is heroin, alcohol, gambling, cigarettes or food.
It is an addiction and you need to tackle the problem now! There are just two options open to you.
You can carry on exactly the same as you are doing and end up poor, lonely, unhappy, ashamed or even dead, (depending on the type of addiction you have).
Or you can admit you need help! My personal addiction was online gambling and my personal 'cure' was hypnotherapy, but the main thing about a 'cure' is that you have to be at that point when you WANT TO STOP.
If you are not then you will fail as the addiction will be stronger than you.
When you are at that point of 'I want to stop' then you must do something.
Whether it is family you turn to or if that is too painful then here is just as good, as long as it is someone or something that will help you to take that first steps to where you need to be.
I wanted to write this article hoping that if just one person reads it and realises that they are addicted (to whatever) and actually does something about it, then my addiction that almost ruined my life was at least for a reason.
If not then I am just another idiot on the sorry list of addicts.
If you are reading this thinking what a load of rubbish, "I'm not stupid enough to let my addiction take control of me", then just think for a minute.
When you are sat watching the TV do you think of it?, when you first wake up in the morning do you think of it?, when you are drifting to sleep at night is it the last thing you think of? If it is then it is official, YOU ARE ADDICTED!