Health & Medical Parenting

Are You Unsure About the Paternity of Your Child? Consider These Two Paternity DNA Tests Today

The delicate issue of paternity can be determined after your child has been born.
It can be done discretely with a 99.
99% accuracy rating from testing clinics around the country.
It can also be done with just the father and child test samples! Two common ways to check paternity after the child is born are blood testing and cheek swab DNA testing.
Blood Testing Blood testing is a very common way to check paternity.
Doing this procedure involves taking blood from the father and child.
At home paternity testing kits includes all of the equipment you will need get a clean sample to send away for testing.
The kit includes a lancet to prick the finger so blood can be collected from the father and child.
The blood is collected on a card and sent away for analysis.
Cheek Swab Test A cheek swab test involves swabbing the inside of your cheek to get cheek cells for testing.
This procedure is just as accurate as blood testing and it quickly becoming a more common occurrence.
The procedure is administered by swabbing the inside of the cheek with a large Q-tip like swab.
Before doing this test, it is recommended that you not drink coffee a few hours before.
Also, smokers should brush their teeth and gums before administering the test! After these test are administered, the results will be determined within a week's time.
This means all doubt and suspicion will be resolved in a week.
This is extremely re-assuring if this issue has been haunting your relationship.
The test fixes the paternity issues but you have to resolve the relationship issues with will surface once the results come back!

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