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How to Protect Yourself From a Physical Assault

    • 1). Reduce your exposure. Try not to walk around alone, especially at night. If you must go somewhere by yourself at night, stick to crowded streets and avoid alleys. Try to walk through busy public squares or other well-lit areas.

    • 2). Walk facing traffic. This reduces your risk of being followed and forced into a car.

    • 3). Talk loudly on your cell phone when walking alone. Even if you aren't actually talking to anyone, saying things like "I'll see you in five minutes," or loudly stating your location can deter potential attackers. The thought of someone waiting for your arrival or knowing your exact location can make repercussions for attacking you seem more likely.

    • 4). Remain alert. Don't dig around in your bag as you walk and try not to appear lost or confused. Walk quickly with an assertive stride, and make eye contact with the people that you pass.

    • 5). Trust your instincts. If someone is walking near you and you feel uncomfortable, do not be embarrassed to cross the street or turn and walk the other direction. If a situation feels unsafe, do not hesitate to call the police on your cell phone, talking loudly so that the person that is making you uncomfortable can hear you.

    • 6). Do not be afraid to confront someone. If a person is following you, approaches you or comes close enough to make you uncomfortable, yell "Stop!" and put your hand up. Tell the person they are making you uncomfortable and ask them to leave.

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