Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Common Symptoms and Causes of Gout

It appears that some of the medical conditions do not require immediate treatment but if ignored they can turn ugly. May be this is the reason why doctors advise patients to get immediate treatment irrespective of the medical condition they are suffering from. Sometimes, the problem like Gout may appear small but actually it requires an immediate medication. Anyone suffering from the medical condition of gout must seek help of a reputed doctor before it's too late. And just in case one is not sure if he or she is suffering from gout, close analysis of symptoms may help. Though the symptoms of this medical condition vary from one person to another but some of the most common ones have been listed here.

€Red, swollen, hot and tender joint. This condition is also known as inflammatory arthritis.
€Out of all the joints in feet, big toe is affected in most of the gout patients.
€Because of lower body temperature at night, the pain begins at night mostly.
€Fatigue and high-fever are also experienced during this medical condition.

NOTE: If you are facing these symptoms then chances are that you are suffering from gout. Consult a doctor and seek advice on gout surgery and treatment.

With proper knowledge of symptoms, it becomes easier for people to find out whether they are suffering from a particular disease or not. But, mere knowledge of symptoms is not enough. They must know about factors that trigger the disease. Do you what is the cause behind gout? Well, there are many reasons that may cause gout. Some of the main causes are:

€Lifestyle - These days, large number of health ailments are caused due to improper eating habits and hectic schedules. Gout is also one amongst those lifestyle diseases that can happen to anyone of any age.

€Genetics - While eating habits of an individual are the major cause of gout, genetics are also responsible for triggering this medical condition. If any of your ancestors had the problem of gout, you may suffer from the problem too. Though there is no sure shot way to prevent this disease but yes healthy habits can help greatly in avoiding gout surgery. Take products rich in vitamin C to prevent gout.

€Medication - Sometimes gout can take place due to intake of medicines like niacin and aspirin. Also, the problem of gout can happen because of diuretics too. If you are consuming any of these medicines, don't forget to consult doctor about side effects of such medicines.

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