How to Use Cleaning Products for Vinyl Siding
- 1). Mix 1/3 cup liquid dish soap or powdered laundry detergent, 2/3 cup borax or oxygen bleach and 1 gallon water in a bucket.
- 2). Spray water on the siding with a garden hose. Make sure the spray hits the siding as it falls downward, rather than spraying up at the siding.
- 3). Dip a long-handled soft brush into the homemade cleaning solution.
- 4). Apply the cleaning solution to the vinyl siding, beginning at the bottom of the siding and working up in 6-foot-wide sections. Scrub gently as necessary to loosen dirt and grime.
- 5). Rinse cleanser off of each section of siding as you progress, using the garden hose.
- 1). Spray a section of vinyl siding with a commercial vinyl cleaner, such as Simple Green, Armor All or Nice & Easy. Work in 6-foot-wide sections, beginning at the bottom of the siding in each section.
- 2). Scrub the cleanser-covered vinyl gently with a long-handled soft brush.
- 3). Rinse each section with water from the garden hose as you go. Ensure the spray hits the siding as it falls, rather than as it ascends into the air, so it doesn't get behind the siding. Identify any problem areas that need more attention.
- 4). Spray window cleaner or another recommended cleaner (see Resources) on the trouble area. Scrub gently with the brush, then rinse with water.