The Sexual Revolution Has Changed Senior Living Forever
Senior Sex A healthy and enjoyable sex life can be yours as you grow older thanks to the sexual revolution.
The long fought Sexual revolution freed men and women from traditional sexual roles.
Men used to be the breadwinner, and women compliantly stayed at home to keep the house, and maintain the family.
TV was all black and white and phones came with wires that attached them to walls.
Sex was a necessary evil in order to make babies.
Older people saw their roles as babysitters and home fix it men.
Sex was rarely discussed, and a lot less shown.
Sex was to make a family and it was just a job that somebody had to do.
Pleasure was secondary to function in those days.
But that all changed with the swinging 60's and 70's.
Birth control, namely the pill, turned sex into healthy entertainment.
Sex was why people got together, not procreation.
Movies, music and popular culture made it fun and exciting to be openly sexual.
Traditional roles of the male provider and the woman being a passive sexual animal changed dramatically.
Feminism told a woman that her orgasm was her own pleasure, and she could share her body for whatever reason she saw fit.
Men, discovered that they could have sex with women and not be expected to marry the woman he had deflowered.
A woman's virginity was suddenly a burden to women, rather than a prize she was to keep for her true love.
And grandma and grandpa were freed from babysitting and home repairs to explore the golden years like few before them had experienced.
The sexual revolution brought profound changes to the traditional man/woman relationship.
Sexuality became something to be explored.
Sex no longer stopped at 40, it just kept on going.
And when even male physiology and ED raised its ugly head, a little blue pill came to the rescue, which along with fake boobs and tummy tucks made sex hot and enjoyable well into ones golden years.
It became OK to be sexual now for as long as you live.
This was just part of the redefinition of our society that occurred.
What changed as well, as people are living older, was the definitions and desires in regard to sex.
Sex, like any experience we have, requires more intensity as we get older.
It is normal for older people to seek greater variety and intensity in their sexual preferences.
With the changes from the sexual revolution today, fetishes are on the rise.
What was once bizarre is now normal.
What were once our vices, have become habits! Men especially, mature sexually in a predetermined path.
Early in life a young man will show a predilection for certain traits or mannerisms in a desired mate.
A older man recounted that in all his dating, he virtually always dated brunettes.
When he got married (twice) he always married redheads.
But on his maturation and passing from the breeding period of his life, his desire for brunette women returned with gusto.
Another stronger aspect of sexually maturing is the rise of fetishes.
Every man has a few instinctively, as they lead his consciousness to find stimulation from certain sexual circumstances.
It might be a desire for role playing or even group sex.
But if you look at the total, holistic experience of his life, you can clearly see the pattern developing and developing throughout his life.
The sexual revolution has made it OK now for a man to be sexual and desirous of sex throughout his life.
Modern sexual revolution outcomes has made that available to him.
In regard to available sexual partners, the older male finds himself often in a reversed role from his upbringing.
Now, as he has aged, many of his fellow men have died off or become absent from the dating world.
This leaves the available single older male in a very desirous position.
There are lots of older women, who have matured, many in their sexual prime, who cannot find a man to date! How lucky is that for the male, who although being older, has taken the steps to make himself sexually available and quite capable.
A man can easily relearn what it takes to date, in a world that has completely changed from the era when he received his sexual roles and prescriptions.
Now, that mature sexual male can find many sexual females who are now, more than willing to explore his fantasies, fetishes and expressions.
Senior sex may not be the same as in your younger years, but it can be even better.
Just remember some points: As they age, sex for man may take a bit more provocation and stimulation.
That is OK and normal.
Testosterone levels may be lower so just compensate with herbal/ medical boosters if necessary.
Health may be an issue.
Make sure you are doctor approve for sexual relations.
Bad hearts or sore backs may cause modifications of the rough and rugged stud sex of ones early years! Be aware of the new emotions regarding sex.
Seniors may be free of the worries about pregnancy, but loss or financial concerns may be in place.
Elder depression may decrease the desire for sex, but sex is often the cure for depression! Talk about and expand your definitions about sexual pleasure.
As one ages, what gives pleasure can change.
Try new new types of sex and intimacy.
Consider all the taboos gone! This golden age for you is all about what YOU decide is needed for your pleasures.
Remember that the sexual revolution brought all types of sexual experiences to the table for you.
Remember romance.
Flowers still work guys! Sexy underwear still gets the blood boiling ladies! Walks in the park and long night kissing can really seal the deal.
Finally know about the new STD's.
Sexually transmitted disease is growing rapidly in the senior community.
Practice safe sex, for your health and your partners.
All in all, sex can be awesome in the senior years.
The revolution may have been started by hippies, but as senior adults, this can be the best time of your life! Learn how to be sexually in shape and make this even better!
The long fought Sexual revolution freed men and women from traditional sexual roles.
Men used to be the breadwinner, and women compliantly stayed at home to keep the house, and maintain the family.
TV was all black and white and phones came with wires that attached them to walls.
Sex was a necessary evil in order to make babies.
Older people saw their roles as babysitters and home fix it men.
Sex was rarely discussed, and a lot less shown.
Sex was to make a family and it was just a job that somebody had to do.
Pleasure was secondary to function in those days.
But that all changed with the swinging 60's and 70's.
Birth control, namely the pill, turned sex into healthy entertainment.
Sex was why people got together, not procreation.
Movies, music and popular culture made it fun and exciting to be openly sexual.
Traditional roles of the male provider and the woman being a passive sexual animal changed dramatically.
Feminism told a woman that her orgasm was her own pleasure, and she could share her body for whatever reason she saw fit.
Men, discovered that they could have sex with women and not be expected to marry the woman he had deflowered.
A woman's virginity was suddenly a burden to women, rather than a prize she was to keep for her true love.
And grandma and grandpa were freed from babysitting and home repairs to explore the golden years like few before them had experienced.
The sexual revolution brought profound changes to the traditional man/woman relationship.
Sexuality became something to be explored.
Sex no longer stopped at 40, it just kept on going.
And when even male physiology and ED raised its ugly head, a little blue pill came to the rescue, which along with fake boobs and tummy tucks made sex hot and enjoyable well into ones golden years.
It became OK to be sexual now for as long as you live.
This was just part of the redefinition of our society that occurred.
What changed as well, as people are living older, was the definitions and desires in regard to sex.
Sex, like any experience we have, requires more intensity as we get older.
It is normal for older people to seek greater variety and intensity in their sexual preferences.
With the changes from the sexual revolution today, fetishes are on the rise.
What was once bizarre is now normal.
What were once our vices, have become habits! Men especially, mature sexually in a predetermined path.
Early in life a young man will show a predilection for certain traits or mannerisms in a desired mate.
A older man recounted that in all his dating, he virtually always dated brunettes.
When he got married (twice) he always married redheads.
But on his maturation and passing from the breeding period of his life, his desire for brunette women returned with gusto.
Another stronger aspect of sexually maturing is the rise of fetishes.
Every man has a few instinctively, as they lead his consciousness to find stimulation from certain sexual circumstances.
It might be a desire for role playing or even group sex.
But if you look at the total, holistic experience of his life, you can clearly see the pattern developing and developing throughout his life.
The sexual revolution has made it OK now for a man to be sexual and desirous of sex throughout his life.
Modern sexual revolution outcomes has made that available to him.
In regard to available sexual partners, the older male finds himself often in a reversed role from his upbringing.
Now, as he has aged, many of his fellow men have died off or become absent from the dating world.
This leaves the available single older male in a very desirous position.
There are lots of older women, who have matured, many in their sexual prime, who cannot find a man to date! How lucky is that for the male, who although being older, has taken the steps to make himself sexually available and quite capable.
A man can easily relearn what it takes to date, in a world that has completely changed from the era when he received his sexual roles and prescriptions.
Now, that mature sexual male can find many sexual females who are now, more than willing to explore his fantasies, fetishes and expressions.
Senior sex may not be the same as in your younger years, but it can be even better.
Just remember some points: As they age, sex for man may take a bit more provocation and stimulation.
That is OK and normal.
Testosterone levels may be lower so just compensate with herbal/ medical boosters if necessary.
Health may be an issue.
Make sure you are doctor approve for sexual relations.
Bad hearts or sore backs may cause modifications of the rough and rugged stud sex of ones early years! Be aware of the new emotions regarding sex.
Seniors may be free of the worries about pregnancy, but loss or financial concerns may be in place.
Elder depression may decrease the desire for sex, but sex is often the cure for depression! Talk about and expand your definitions about sexual pleasure.
As one ages, what gives pleasure can change.
Try new new types of sex and intimacy.
Consider all the taboos gone! This golden age for you is all about what YOU decide is needed for your pleasures.
Remember that the sexual revolution brought all types of sexual experiences to the table for you.
Remember romance.
Flowers still work guys! Sexy underwear still gets the blood boiling ladies! Walks in the park and long night kissing can really seal the deal.
Finally know about the new STD's.
Sexually transmitted disease is growing rapidly in the senior community.
Practice safe sex, for your health and your partners.
All in all, sex can be awesome in the senior years.
The revolution may have been started by hippies, but as senior adults, this can be the best time of your life! Learn how to be sexually in shape and make this even better!