Sweet Peet Vs. Mulch
- Mulch serves a number of purposes in your landscape. When placed around the base of a plant, mulch shades the soil, which helps slow the process of evaporation, keeping the ground cooler and more moist. Mulch also creates a barrier that makes it difficult for weeds to push up through the soil. This ensures that weeds don't form around healthy plants, so that the plants won't have to compete with weeds for water and nutrients.
- A variety of materials can be used to mulch the plants in your landscape. Some common natural mulching materials include wood chips, straw, stone and leaves. Common man-made materials used to mulch include landscape fabric and black plastic. Most of the mulches added to the ground's surface offer little by way of additional nutrients for the plants, so compost or fertilizer is typically mixed in with the soil prior to planting, and sometimes during the growing season as well, to provide these extra nutrients.
- Organic Sweet Peet wood chip mulch provides the same benefits of mulch, but is designed with a few extra ingredients meant to provide advantages over standard mulches. According to the Sweet Peet website, the formula is designed to keep soil at the ideal pH levels for most flower and vegetable plants, which also helps deter weeds from forming near the plant. Sweet Peet also encourages earthworm activity near the plant, which repairs damage from severe weather events.
- Though different mulching procedures are ideal for different plants, generally mulch and Sweet Peet can be applied around the base of any plant. When applying, leave space between the stem of the plant or trunk of the tree and the mulch, so that the mulch doesn't sit directly against the plant. Natural mulches, including Sweet Peet, can be tilled back into the soil after the growing, adding nutrients back into the soil, while man-made mulching materials should be removed.