Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

12 Qualities to Improve Your Relationship Before Valentine’S: Day 4

In this series, we will focus on the facial features that will improve your relationship with that special someone. We will break down twelve qualities over the next nine days to accurately assess and understand this person in your life. First, understand the study of face reading is complicated and takes time to understand, but over the next nine days, we are going to unravel these traits quickly and easily. They are going to be invaluable to you. If you understand and practice, using these will bring you greater satisfaction and fulfillment to your relationship. Each trait examined has corresponding personality trait. Over the next nine days, we will be able to figure out what impact individual traits have on personality.
Day 4: The central face. Today we are going to discuss the inner cheek. It is defined as the area between two creases. One is below the eye and the other comes down from the nose to the mouth. How can you tell if your partner has lofty ambitions? Well, when near vertical distance from one crease to the other is short or skin between is very fleshy, the person is very idealistic and driven. These inner cheeks indicate the importance people place on setting high goals for themselves. When a person has modest distance between creases, you've found true visionary and someone who sets lofty goals for self. Just like the rest of the facial cues, these range from high to low-levels.
On the high-level side, the facial creases are closer together, more fleshy. These types spend most of the time coming up with ways of getting ahead. They are dreamers who are constantly reaching for the stars. They are fast decision makers who are positive and hopeful. While highly competitive, they are very creative. Their downfall is their moodiness. They are so full of ideas that they are never truly satisfied. This can cause impatience. Their relationships suffer they tend to overly focus on their own dreams and they have little tolerance for partners who do not share same views. When engaging these types, simply dare them. The caveat is that their dreams or ideals are not questioned. You need to understand their relentless inner drive toward their goals.
Someone on the low-level has creases, which are farther apart than the high-level. These types do not have and goals of their own, so they tend to pursue other people's goals. They are happy with the way things are. They have no big dreams, so they tend to be complacent and noncompetitive. If they do have goals, they easily achieve them by aiming low. These types are slow to make decisions. They are full of patience. Do you have a modest need to dream and hate to compete? Than low-level idealist is a good match for you. When engaging them, do not dwell on this trait. Identify and explore higher needs and drive in their personality. It would benefit you to have many personality traits in common.

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