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Video: Kitchen Juice Bar Installation

Video Transcript

Hey, guys. What's cooking? It's your girl, Chelsea Silverman, here at Juiceateria, and I just showed you guys how to make so many juices because I heart juice so much and I hope you do too. So now for the finalization I am going to show you how to actually put together and install an at-home juicer. So this is my juicer that I use at home, please don't judge me. I know it's a little dirty. I've had it for about three, three and a half years. An ex-boyfriend got it for me so once we broke up I really just stopped cleaning it and I really didn't care that much. But it's a side bar, okay, so putting it together. We have where all of the shreds go, a little trick. I like to put a plastic bag in there. It's less clean up. Once you do this, all of your shreds from the juicer are going to go straight into here and when you are cleaning up, tie it up in the garbage, done, instead of cleaning this whole thing up. So that goes on the end and then I'll show it to you this way so you can at least see what I'm doing and then, we have for my, this is my Cuisinart of course, we have this piece that the juice comes out of through this little nozzle, you just stick that in right there and I just cleaned it so we have some water flowing through, it's all good. Then we have the grinder and the screen. This is what makes the juice and what captures some of the produce and that easily just fits on there and then we have our top piece that our actual produce goes into, snap that on, voila you have a juicer and lastly you need your little plunger to plunge it all down and what do you know? Now you're ready to juice. I heart juice as much as you.

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