Health & Medical Diabetes

Top Seven Diabetes Myths Debunked

Diabetes myths can make diabetes management more difficult.
Many people tend to believe and act on myths related to diet, weight management and overall lifestyle, which can aggravate the condition.
The fact is that almost all diabetes myths are without any basis.
Diabetes management must be solely guided by sound medical and nutritional advice.
Also, a sound knowledge of diabetes will help you keep it at bay.
Here is a list of the most common myths.
Diabetes is not a Serious Disease This is probably the most dangerous of all diabetes myths because it can breed complacency.
A condition, which causes more deaths than those caused by AIDS and cancer together, cannot be taken lightly.
If overlooked, diabetes can assume menacing proportions over time.
Overweight People will Develop Type 2 Eventually Obesity can play a role in the growth of diabetes but there is no medical evidence to establish that obese people are destined to develop diabetes 2.
Factors such as age, lifestyle and family history can also play important roles in diabetes growth.
In fact, a number of obese people are not diabetic.
This is one of the most dangerous diabetes myths because people may excessively focus on weight management and overlook other factors, which cause diabetes.
Diabetic People must eat Special Foods You can control the disease with a healthy diet and regular exercises.
Special diabetic foods are not known to significantly help people keep diabetes under control.
On the contrary, these foods can elevate the levels of blood glucose in the body.
Special diabetic diet is also known to be an expensive proposition.
Diabetic People cannot Eat Sweets Assuming that you are not prohibited by your doctor for other health conditions, occasional indulgence in sweet dishes is deemed harmless.
Basically, you can eat sweet dishes in moderation, based on the advice of your doctor.
Generally, sweet dishes should be a part of a healthy meal.
Diabetes is Infectious Diabetes can be genetic and members of the same family are known to suffer from it.
However, unlike common cold, diabetes is not contagious.
External Intake of Insulin means a Failure of Diabetes Management External intake of insulin is an essential part of overall type 2 management and does not indicate that you have failed to follow your doctor's instructions.
You need to take insulin externally mainly because with age, your body loses the ability to naturally produce insulin.
Insulin can help you maintain desired blood glucose levels in your body.
Diabetics Tend to Catch Colds or Flu Easily A diabetic is as susceptible to a cold or flu as any other person.
The disease does not increase the risk of catching flu or a cold.
However, a diabetic needs to be more careful as the presence of any illness can make the treatment of diabetes difficult.
Diabetes myths, as stated earlier, have no scientific basis and you need to treat diabetes based on the advice of your doctor.
The key to handling the disease is to know more about the causes, symptoms and remedies of the disease.

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