How Much Time Do You Waste Judging Other Kids Or Feeling Judged By Them?
I can't stand it when I hear the hideous cackling of my neighbors...
I don't even know what they are laughing about but every time I hear them laughing I can feel the fear and judgment in their voices.
Their cackling is not true laughter...
they cackle at the perceived inadequacy of others to relieve the pressure and fear of being inadequate [not good enough at something, i.
life] themselves.
Would you rather be welcomed by a population of loving and understanding people who do not judge you, but give you the chance to express yourself however you wish? Or would you rather be laughed at and ridiculed by a population of noisy apes who only care about what is good for their own ego, and want you to be just like them? It's not a hard decision..
In this world we must find unity in our differences, how amazing and beautiful is it that God has chosen to express Himself in an INFINITE amount of unique ways? We are all unique, but we are all exactly the same...
we all share the same energy, the same Consciousness, the same material world.
So what is making us afraid of each other? Why can't we learn that this Earth that we are on is the greatest and most wonderful blessing that anyone could ever dream of?!?! We have our own floating dimension of space nourished perfectly by the Cosmic Forces!!! This is a true Miracle!! Why must you waste your time being ignorant of this Miracle?? Cease judging each other, and celebrate with each other!! Why would anybody want for everyone to be the same! Why would you want for everyone around you to behave exactly like you? The world would suck then!! There would only be one perspective and no deviation from that it would be complete inertia, stalemate, BORING existence! If you think about HOW MUCH TIME YOUR MIND WASTES JUDGING ITSELF you will know how much energy that you have given to the "box" that your mind is trapped in.
Liberate your mind from that box simply by seeing that these judgments come from a place of fear and hatred and envy and ego and all these self-damaging emotions which inflict pain on not only those you judge but your own self.
See that these judgments came from CULTURE, from COSMO magazine, from MTV, in other words from BIG CORPORATIONS WHO WANT TO ENSLAVE YOU.
How do they enslave you? They make you think your free! Hahahahaha! Then you enslave yourself! Only you don't know that it is slavery because you have been taught all along that slavery is freedom! Judging each other, spending all this time worried about who is looking right, who is too slutty, who is too fat, blah blah.
What this does is it makes you see reality constantly through a screen of ignorance...
a screen of non-reality.
When you see reality through a screen of non-reality the picture is distorted..
your emotions become distorted...
sick even...
as in disturbed...
because the natural evolutionary order of things is Unity and Love.
These things evolve you: hatred and jealousy, these things devolve you.
I have been in that de-volved state in my life and let me tell you it's no fun, you will create chaos and disorder and mayhem and call it "Cool".
What is really cool is being yourself, and not being a puppet of corporations.
Being your Mysterious and Beautiful Self, not being what these magazines want you to be, but being who you are when all of the bullshit is trimmed down.
That is how you find happiness, that is how you find love, and THAT is how you find acceptance.
I don't even know what they are laughing about but every time I hear them laughing I can feel the fear and judgment in their voices.
Their cackling is not true laughter...
they cackle at the perceived inadequacy of others to relieve the pressure and fear of being inadequate [not good enough at something, i.
life] themselves.
Would you rather be welcomed by a population of loving and understanding people who do not judge you, but give you the chance to express yourself however you wish? Or would you rather be laughed at and ridiculed by a population of noisy apes who only care about what is good for their own ego, and want you to be just like them? It's not a hard decision..
In this world we must find unity in our differences, how amazing and beautiful is it that God has chosen to express Himself in an INFINITE amount of unique ways? We are all unique, but we are all exactly the same...
we all share the same energy, the same Consciousness, the same material world.
So what is making us afraid of each other? Why can't we learn that this Earth that we are on is the greatest and most wonderful blessing that anyone could ever dream of?!?! We have our own floating dimension of space nourished perfectly by the Cosmic Forces!!! This is a true Miracle!! Why must you waste your time being ignorant of this Miracle?? Cease judging each other, and celebrate with each other!! Why would anybody want for everyone to be the same! Why would you want for everyone around you to behave exactly like you? The world would suck then!! There would only be one perspective and no deviation from that it would be complete inertia, stalemate, BORING existence! If you think about HOW MUCH TIME YOUR MIND WASTES JUDGING ITSELF you will know how much energy that you have given to the "box" that your mind is trapped in.
Liberate your mind from that box simply by seeing that these judgments come from a place of fear and hatred and envy and ego and all these self-damaging emotions which inflict pain on not only those you judge but your own self.
See that these judgments came from CULTURE, from COSMO magazine, from MTV, in other words from BIG CORPORATIONS WHO WANT TO ENSLAVE YOU.
How do they enslave you? They make you think your free! Hahahahaha! Then you enslave yourself! Only you don't know that it is slavery because you have been taught all along that slavery is freedom! Judging each other, spending all this time worried about who is looking right, who is too slutty, who is too fat, blah blah.
What this does is it makes you see reality constantly through a screen of ignorance...
a screen of non-reality.
When you see reality through a screen of non-reality the picture is distorted..
your emotions become distorted...
sick even...
as in disturbed...
because the natural evolutionary order of things is Unity and Love.
These things evolve you: hatred and jealousy, these things devolve you.
I have been in that de-volved state in my life and let me tell you it's no fun, you will create chaos and disorder and mayhem and call it "Cool".
What is really cool is being yourself, and not being a puppet of corporations.
Being your Mysterious and Beautiful Self, not being what these magazines want you to be, but being who you are when all of the bullshit is trimmed down.
That is how you find happiness, that is how you find love, and THAT is how you find acceptance.