Glimpses of an Extraordinary Reality
We all have them.
Now and the sky seems to open, time stands still and we know a wonderous sense of peace and perfection that defies words.
It may happen in a situation of deep communion with nature, in the smile of a newborn baby or in a moment of shared intimacy.
The magic may last a few seconds, minutes or days - in whichever way we are graced with such an experience - it leaves a deep mark in our soul.
For many, such a glimpse or awakening results in an increased hunger to experience this sense of fullness and perfection again and again.
It is a gift and an invitation for those who wish to discover and embrace that dimension in themselves, and it may become the beginning of a spiritual journey that seeks to live in that state of consciousness fully and permanently.
The ancient Indian scriptures refer to this experience as the fourth state of consciousness or the enlightened state (the three human states of consciousness being the waking state, the dream and the deep sleep state).
Unlike other regular human experiences, the glimpse or awakening is a grace that cannot be reproduced at will.
Just as we cannot decide to go to sleep by an act of will.
We can only put on our pajamas, crawl into bed and close our eyes, thus creating all the conducive conditions for sleep, and then hope for it to happen...
In the same way, a spiritual practice, Satsang and Meditation are a preparation, an alignment of body and mind that creates the conditions for the opening and experience of that space or state of consciousness.
When we get together in Satsang and Meditation, our attention is guided to that space.
Through the power of the shared knowledge and practice, the space opens up as a tangible experience or another glimpse.
Sustaining a personal practice becomes easier when we meet in Satsang and inspire each other on a regular basis - it is like taking a bath at the source and letting that source sustain us until we get a chance to dip in again.
As the practice of meditation becomes regular, glimpses are added to more glimpses.
Their frequency, builds an energy that is carried into all aspects of life.
This energy has the power to transform the experience of life and Self profoundly.
What used to be a rare glimpse of an extraordinary reality becomes the awakened state of consciousness in which we live every moment of this life.
Now and the sky seems to open, time stands still and we know a wonderous sense of peace and perfection that defies words.
It may happen in a situation of deep communion with nature, in the smile of a newborn baby or in a moment of shared intimacy.
The magic may last a few seconds, minutes or days - in whichever way we are graced with such an experience - it leaves a deep mark in our soul.
For many, such a glimpse or awakening results in an increased hunger to experience this sense of fullness and perfection again and again.
It is a gift and an invitation for those who wish to discover and embrace that dimension in themselves, and it may become the beginning of a spiritual journey that seeks to live in that state of consciousness fully and permanently.
The ancient Indian scriptures refer to this experience as the fourth state of consciousness or the enlightened state (the three human states of consciousness being the waking state, the dream and the deep sleep state).
Unlike other regular human experiences, the glimpse or awakening is a grace that cannot be reproduced at will.
Just as we cannot decide to go to sleep by an act of will.
We can only put on our pajamas, crawl into bed and close our eyes, thus creating all the conducive conditions for sleep, and then hope for it to happen...
In the same way, a spiritual practice, Satsang and Meditation are a preparation, an alignment of body and mind that creates the conditions for the opening and experience of that space or state of consciousness.
When we get together in Satsang and Meditation, our attention is guided to that space.
Through the power of the shared knowledge and practice, the space opens up as a tangible experience or another glimpse.
Sustaining a personal practice becomes easier when we meet in Satsang and inspire each other on a regular basis - it is like taking a bath at the source and letting that source sustain us until we get a chance to dip in again.
As the practice of meditation becomes regular, glimpses are added to more glimpses.
Their frequency, builds an energy that is carried into all aspects of life.
This energy has the power to transform the experience of life and Self profoundly.
What used to be a rare glimpse of an extraordinary reality becomes the awakened state of consciousness in which we live every moment of this life.