Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Barking Stop - Dog Obedience Tips to Make the Barking Stop

We all love our dogs very much, but sometimes the co habitation can get pretty rough, especially if your dog develops a habit of barking or howling constantly every night or for long periods of time.
To make the barking stop, you need to understand a few things first.
Your dog needs to communicate and barking to a dog is as natural as speaking is to a human.
Dogs bark to let you know that something is going on: maybe the food or water bowl is empty.
Maybe there's a stranger at the door 3.
Dogs bark if they feel bored or lonely and also, some breed tend to bark more than others, so do your research before getting a dog.
What to Do Next? First, you need to teach your dog that you are the pack leader.
Dogs are social creatures and they must always have a pack leader.
If they don't recognize you as such, they will assert themselves as the leader.
That is just their nature.
Whenever you want to make the to barking stop, grab him by the collar and the muzzle.
Do this in a non harmful, violent way.
You are showing him that you are the leader and that excessive barking is not ok.
Hold him until your dog stops trying to escape.
Once he's been still for a few seconds, praise him and give him a food treat.
Over time he or she will learn that being quiet gives him your attention.
Which brings us to the next point.
Never show him attention when he barks.
Ignore him.
I know this sounds easier than it is, especially if the barking happens in the middle of the night, but if you yell at him, you will be reinforcing that he gets attention from you when he barks.
Be patient and consistent in how you reinforce the behavior that you want him to have.
Praise and give him a treat when he obeys and is quiet.
Praise and give him a treat when barks for the right reasons.

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