Health & Medical Men's Health

How You Can End Premature Ejaculations Once And For All

Did you know that you can end premature ejaculations with penis enlargement exercises? It's true, and it's very effective for also increasing your penis size.
You don't have to resort to using stamina pills or other means of ejaculation control just to stop your premature ejaculations.
You can stick with natural penis enlargement techniques that have been proven time and time again to stop your fast climaxing.
When you use products such as pills and creams to stop your fast climaxing, you're relying on a solution to mask the problem instead of solving the real issue behind it.
The bottom line is that you encounter premature ejaculation due to having a weak and untrained "PC muscle".
What is a PC muscle you ask? Well I'm glad you're curious, because this is what this article will dwell on.
Your PC muscle is the muscle that is responsible for strengthening your erections.
The best way to find it is to go and urinate.
When you urinate, try to stop your urine halfway through.
Put your finger underneath your penis and touch on the spot where you feel something "jumping".
This is it.
If this is too much for you, there's another way for you to locate your PC muscle.
The next time you have an erection, try to make your penis "jump".
Put your hand underneath your penis where you feel the muscle that is tightening and contracting each time you make your penis jump.
This is your PC muscle, and the exercise that you just did to find your PC muscle is recommended for increasing your erection strength.
Don't do this while you have a full erection.
I just wanted you to do this so that you can locate your PC muscle simply and easily.
But you will want to do this while you're on soft and when your penis is in a flaccid state.
But doing this over and over, you can train yourself to stop your premature ejaculations.
The next time you have intercourse with your partner, when you feel the urge to ejaculate, stop your ejaculate midway through like when you did when you were urinating in the example above.
If you can do this, then you have found a permanent way to cure your premature ejaculations forever.
This requires a strong PC muscle however, so you will want to do the exercise I mentioned above to develop your PC muscle first.
Premature ejaculations doesn't have to plague you anymore.
Use these tips to stop ejaculating too quickly and to finally satisfy your lover in bed.
Good luck with stopping your premature ejaculations.

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