The Feasibility of Composting
- Composting requires space to work. You don't need to have a huge pile to compost well, but you do need some space for the bins. You can compost with open bins or closed bins. Open bins are often constructed out of recycled lumber (e.g. shipping pallets) while covered compost bins can be purchased at many home improvement stores. Open bins are cheaper, but they also create more mess and smell. If you have the space to place the bins out of sight and smell range, open bins are a good choice, but if you have a small yard you may be better served by a covered bin.
- For your waste to turn into compost you must have three things: food, water and air. Composting is accomplished by billions of micro-organisms and sometimes worms working to devour the waste you provide them. The better the conditions the more efficiently they will eat the food and produce compost for your plants. Turning your compost bin allows air to get in to the microbes; watering your compost bin allows the microbes to stay moist and alive. Depending on your materials and environment, make sure your pet microbes have enough of the elements they need to survive.
- Effective compost piles need both brown and green material. Brown material contributes structure and carbon and allows for air flow. Brown compost materials are dried plant waste, like dry weeds, leaves and wood chippings. Green material provides moisture and nitrogen. Grass clippings, kitchen waste and green weeds are all green compost material. Keep a balance of green and brown compost materials to promote the decomposition. Anywhere from 1:1 to 4:1 brown to green will work.
- You can't use the compost bin as a place to dump inorganic material or animal material. Meat, bones and fat decompose slowly and attract pests to your bin. Inorganic material will not decompose at all. Also, avoid the feces of dogs and cats since their carnivorous diet will add animal material to the compost. Manure of herbivorous animals (e.g. horse, cow or chicken) is suitable, however.
- Compost can be added to soil in the garden or to potted houseplants. It adds nutrients to the soil and promotes healthy plant growth. You can also create a tea of compost and water that will work like plant food when added to the water given to the plants.