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Video: How to Make a Paper Crown Hat

Video Transcript

We're going to make party hats. I'm going to show you how to make a crown out of a paper plate. This crown was made out of a 9" paper plate, a glitter glue stick, some little doodads that I found around the house, little gold balls that go at the top of the piece of the crown and this is from the scrap booking store. It's just a little doodad that I put on here but you could also put fake jewels, make fake jewels, a lot of different ideas for that. What you going to do with this is to fold your paper plate in half. You¡¯re going to cut this like a pie. So you're going to make your first cut right in the middle. Then you're going to make another cut here, like a pie order pizza. And that's all there is to making the cuts. Then you need to cut down the folded line on both sides and you have your crown. It's probably easier to decorate your crown before you fold up the points. So whether you're going to decorate it with glue, you can use your glitter glue stick like this. You can also spread Elmer's glue on it and then just sprinkle your glitter on it if you don't have a glue stick. Get it nice and smooth or leave it in lines, depends on what you want to do with it. Sprinkle your glitter on and then you can decorate it with the little gold balls or whatever you're going to put on it. Once you've decorated it all away around then you're going to fold up the points. You don't want to fold them too far because your head will come through and push them open even farther. Once you've put up all the points, your hat, your crown is ready to wear. All decorated and ready to go. So as you can see I did mine with a glitter stick and with some designs and now I can say "Queen Me" because I wouldn't say "King Me" and there's my crown made out of a 9" paper plate.

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