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What Is the Cloud Backup?

Today more and more people and organizations prefer to store their data on the cloud? People often talk about cloud's sub-categories, viz. software-as-a-service (SAAS), platform as a service (PAAS), or Infrastructure as a service (IAAS). Cloud will reach this benchmark, and would do that, and that. In fact, the Internet is overloaded with similar statistics and content. Since the revelation of Edward Snowden about the NSA practices, people have been raising concerns also on data security, and experts and scholars have endured much to come out with facts that how secure is data in the cloud, and what best can be done to make it immune against prying eyes. We often talk about Office in Cloud, yes the Office 365, the Microsoft's legacy cloud solution that empowers people to work, collaborate and carry out business processes without the barrier of territory and platform.
Talk about OneDrive, iCloud, and others is quite common. Perhaps, you might be using them. But have you ever given a thought as what is the cloud backup? Or how it works? Or why should you go for it? Or what are the advantages and disadvantages? Let's delve and find out some of the answers.

What is the cloud backup?

Actually, it's a collective work of hundreds and thousands of remote servers pooled together to provide centralized data storage. And their online access is offered to client's PCs or devices in a safe and secure manner through multiple layers of authentication or validation. Very similar as you connect your phone to your email or social media service provider. The moment you sign-in, and the server recognizes you, the data center embraces you to let you back up or access data in a smooth and uninterrupted manner.

Public, private or hybrid - generally, cloud computing is categorized as such. Online backup providers are companies indulge in the business of offering such storage services to clients based on subscriptions. These vendors, based on client's needs offer data redundancy to further safeguard their interests. Data is send through a Web-based application to the data server after successful collection, compression and encryption and generally multiple copies of files are made to be stored at different locations.

How does cloud backup work?

Unlike shared grids or network storage, cloud backup is a proprietary technology, and hence the functioning vary from vendors to vendors. Hence, how vendors mange data, what kind of job queues and security parameters they deploy, very little is information is available about these. For the sake of simplicity, let's consider cloud backup infrastructure as a multi-layered one. The front end layer provides the user-interface that you are familiar with. For instance, when you access your profile on your Facebook account, the front end connect you with the back-end process of the cloud. The back end consists of the hardware and the software architecture that delivers the data you see on the front end.

Why should you go with cloud backup?

Cloud backup gives immunity to your data against physical, mechanical, logical, virus-attack and other damages. Being Internet-driven and platform antagonist, it gives the privilege to access data from anywhere and across any device. Thus, it realizes the dream of on-demand computing that we all need in the highly mobile and competitive world.

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