Home & Garden Furniture

How to Apply Gel Stain Over a Pre-Finished Cabinet

    • 1). Sand your pre-finished cabinet to remove the outer layer of finish. Use lower grit sandpaper to open the pores of your cabinet, which will allow the gel stain to better penetrate the piece. You must have uniform sanding if you want to have even coverage across the cabinet when you apply your gel stain.

    • 2). Clean your pre-finished cabinet with a lint-free cloth to remove the dust left by sanding.

    • 3). Brush your gel stain onto your pre-finished cabinet, taking extra care that you brush with the grain of the wood. Work in sections if you're working on a large cabinet.

    • 4). Wipe off the excess gel stain using a clean rag to avoid unattractive puddles of color.

    • 5). Continue to apply stain and wipe off the excess until you achieve the look you desire.

    • 6). Let your pre-finished cabinets dry overnight so the stain can set.

    • 7). Apply a thin coat of polyurethane over the gel stain to seal your pre-finished cabinets.

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