How to Promote Reblooming in Herbaceous Perennials
- 1). Inspect the stem underneath the spent bloom to find new buds that will develop into additional flowers. They are found where leaves or side shoots join the main stem. Perennials that have these side shoots include daisies, stokesia and purple coneflowers. Cut stems that have no buds back to ground level.
- 2). Hold the spent flower in your free hand, pulling gently so there is light tension on the stem. Cut the stem 1/4 inch above a bud, using sharp pruning shears. Discard old blooms, or add them to your compost pile.
- 3). Sprinkle fertilizer around the base of the plant after the first flush of flowers, then water it in. Avoid getting fertilizer on plant leaves.
- 1). Gather the plant stems loosely in your free hand.
- 2). Cut off the top 1/3 to 1/2 of the entire plant, then release the plant stems. If plants are mildewed, which is not uncommon in damp spring weather, cut the plant back to 2 to 3 inches above soil level. Discard diseased plant material rather than adding it to your compost pile.
- 3). Sprinkle fertilizer around the plant base, then water it well.