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Did You Miss the 2014 Federal Budget?

I wouldn't be surprised if you did. Not only was it low key in itself, it was also delivered in the middle of the Sochi Olympics. It appears that all was on schedule, and the budget is just about balanced, and it's very likely will be balanced in time for the election next year. Finance Minister Jim Flaherty was looking better than he had for a long time. In fact he was so relaxed he started musing to the media that the Conservative promise from the last election campaign to introduce income splitting once the budget was balanced needed more study.

His cabinet colleagues, much of the Tory caucus, and possibly the Prime Minister, seemed caught off guard. I took some time to go through the budget, since they weren't talking about it, and there are quite a few interesting things in it. I've pulled out a few which you can find in 12 Things You Might Have Missed in Budget 2014.

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