Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

Instructions for Kirby G6 Vacuum

    • 1). Plug in the vacuum to a grounded power supply and turn the power switch to "On".

    • 2). Step down on the top pedal, located on the base of the unit. This lowers the nozzle to the ground. Press again to lower the nozzle further. The vacuum will change in tone when the nozzle has reached the correct height adjustment for the carpet being cleaned.

    • 3). Step down on the yellow pedal on the base to place the vacuum in "Tech Drive" for power assistance in moving the vacuum over the carpet.

    • 4). Move the vacuum back and forth on the carpet in overlapping sections until the area is clean.

    • 5). Step down on the gray pedal on the base unit to turn off the "Tech Drive" feature. Step down on the top pedal to raise the nozzle off the carpet.

    • 6). Turn the power switch to "Off" and unplug the vacuum from the power supply.

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