Arnel Ricafranca"s 1000 Calorie Challenge - 5 Tips to Succeed
The 1000 Calorie Challenge by Arnel Ricafranca with the help of Joel Marion is a program that can help you lose a lot of body fat quickly.
However, you need to do it right to get optimal results.
This is what this article is for: helping you make sure that you take the right action steps to achieve the fastest and greatest results with the this program.
Some of these tips are based on an interview I conducted with Arnel Ricafranca about the 1000 Calorie Challenge and some are my ideas.
I urge you to follow these tips for your own good.
Here are the 5 tips for success: 1.
Schedule your workouts in advance - This is a program that requires you to do 3 intensive workouts each week.
I recommend setting aside an hour for each workout and include it in your schedule.
Don't try to fit it in as you go along.
You may find yourself with no free time.
Prepare in advance and you'll find it easier to stick to the program.
Don't skip the necessary warm up before you begin your workout - I know that you may be eager to get on with the fat burning exercises that the 1000 Calorie Challenge workouts include.
However, take 7 to 10 minutes of your time and do a warm up beforehand.
This will help you reduce cramps, risk of injury, and increase the effectiveness of your workouts.
Do the workouts with a buddy.
This is a tip that Arenl Ricafranca shared with me during the interview, and while I don't think that it's a must thing to do, working out with a friend can make the entire program much more fun and easy to stick to.
Enlist the support of your family - You will need the support of your family to make sure you stick to the plan.
For instance, they need to give you the time to do the workouts.
For another, they should try not to tempt you with fattening foods while you're trying to maintain the diet part of the program.
Don't overdo the Cheat Days - During the program, you get a weekly Cheat Day.
This is a day in which you can basically eat whatever you want, even if it's the sort of food you don't associate with weight loss.
Foods like burgers, pizza, cakes, are all permissible and you can indulge yourself.
However, enjoy this day without stuffing yourself.
Don't turn this into a binge day.
Follow these tips and you should be very successful with this program.
However, you need to do it right to get optimal results.
This is what this article is for: helping you make sure that you take the right action steps to achieve the fastest and greatest results with the this program.
Some of these tips are based on an interview I conducted with Arnel Ricafranca about the 1000 Calorie Challenge and some are my ideas.
I urge you to follow these tips for your own good.
Here are the 5 tips for success: 1.
Schedule your workouts in advance - This is a program that requires you to do 3 intensive workouts each week.
I recommend setting aside an hour for each workout and include it in your schedule.
Don't try to fit it in as you go along.
You may find yourself with no free time.
Prepare in advance and you'll find it easier to stick to the program.
Don't skip the necessary warm up before you begin your workout - I know that you may be eager to get on with the fat burning exercises that the 1000 Calorie Challenge workouts include.
However, take 7 to 10 minutes of your time and do a warm up beforehand.
This will help you reduce cramps, risk of injury, and increase the effectiveness of your workouts.
Do the workouts with a buddy.
This is a tip that Arenl Ricafranca shared with me during the interview, and while I don't think that it's a must thing to do, working out with a friend can make the entire program much more fun and easy to stick to.
Enlist the support of your family - You will need the support of your family to make sure you stick to the plan.
For instance, they need to give you the time to do the workouts.
For another, they should try not to tempt you with fattening foods while you're trying to maintain the diet part of the program.
Don't overdo the Cheat Days - During the program, you get a weekly Cheat Day.
This is a day in which you can basically eat whatever you want, even if it's the sort of food you don't associate with weight loss.
Foods like burgers, pizza, cakes, are all permissible and you can indulge yourself.
However, enjoy this day without stuffing yourself.
Don't turn this into a binge day.
Follow these tips and you should be very successful with this program.