Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

Is the Mediterranean Diet the Answer?

Fad diets come and go, but the health conscious are now realizing, and science is proving, that it is healthier adopting the eating plans from nations that live the longest, disease free lives in the world.
It's called 'modeling' the results you want from others.
The Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest in the world.
It is very high in omega 3 and omega 6 fats and they are eaten at nearly every meal they have.
A western diet might be lucky to get omega fats once or twice per week.
Keeping free range chickens in your backyard and eating their omega rich eggs will help boost these good fats as they contain more than twice the amount of store bought eggs.
Eating more beans, nuts and peas is essential to mimic this way of eating, and there are many other foods you can include in your diet to get the health benefits from traditional Greek foods.
The Mediterranean's eat a lot of seafood which contributes selenium and fish oil.
They eat a lot of greens such as spinach, avocado and asparagus all high in glutathione.
The wine they consume with dinner is also rich in the grand daddy of all antioxidants: resveratrol.
They eat lots of grains, rich in omega 3 and olive oil is a staple that is rich in polyphenols, vitamin C and E.
Cut back on butter and margarine as the Greeks eat their breed with olive oil.
Another staple is Puslane its a plant they use in everything from salads to tea, its high in an omega 3 fat called alpha linoleic acid.
It's a fat our bodies can't produce on its on so we need to eat it as often as we can.
Following this eating plan and stocking up on omegas could reduce your chance of getting heart disease and cancer by up to 60 percent.
Those are good odds.

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