Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Firefighter Or Chiropreneur

Often children dream of becoming a firefighter when they grow up.
It would appear that some Chiropreneurs have never dropped the dream as they spend more time putting out fires in their practice than they do leading their practice to greatness.
One reason that so many Chiropreneurs are ineffective leaders is because they have assumed the role of a firefighter.
A firefighter doesn't determine where the T.
goes, the fire does.
An exceptional leader doesn't fight fires 24/7.
A great leader motivates people in the present to the future.
The only time a "fire" is relevant is when it stands in the way of your desired outcome.
The unaware Chiropreneur lets the fires dictate your behavior and activities; while the aware Chiropreneur lets desired goals and targets dictate what activities are important.
it boils down to know what is important now..
in the moment.
You are making decisions continuously, hundreds if not thousands of decisions daily.
Instead of fighting all the little fires, focus on the activities that will have the greatest impact on your growth.
The more time you are holding the hose to put out fires, the less time you have to do what's important now.
Become a proactive leader and take steps to eliminate fires from igniting in the practice.
This is accomplished with solid protocols, procedures, and systems that the entire T.
knows, understands and executes.
Most fires tend to blaze our of control because of failure to be responsive to a situation or activity before the match was lit.
Don't put off decisions.
Make them faster.
Delegate to others.
The faster you make decisions, the less likely an event, activity or situation will become a fire.
Most successful leaders share quick decision-making skills.
A CEO of a Fortune 500 company will often make a million dollar decision in seconds, where a Chiropreneur can take weeks to decide which brand of toilet paper is best in the office.
A decision is not poured into concrete.
You can always change it, if a better decision is available.
But, most decisions in most chiropractic offices can be done in 60-seconds or less! Peak our practice with lighting decision-making speed.

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