Using the ideas presented here, you can transform ordinary soda pop and beer cans into crafty masterpieces. Start out by washing your cans and letting them dry completely, flatten your can by stepping on it, and then start crafting one of more of these soda pop can projects.
This unique baby craft can be made in a rainbow of pastel colors. Wouldn't these easy crafts be a fun way to personalize baby shower decorations?More »
These cute, flying bats are easy to create and would make fun decorations for a Halloween party or haunted house.More »
Why not make an entire herd of these tiny cows?! They don't all have to be black and white, you can get creative and make them in many different colors.More »
Find out how you can easily create a flying ghost using an aluminum pop can. Another fun Halloween decoration. For a fun twist, see if you can find glow-in-the-dark paint at your favorite craft store.More »
Make several little piggies using soda pop cans. I promise these pigs will not eat you out of house and home.More »
You can easily make a 'best friend' for every man, woman, and child you know; and these puppies don't even have to be house broken.More »
Start out by making a Santa using a crushed can and then follow the same directions and make several elves to help him out.More »
Besides using an aluminum soda pop can, this craft is made using hand prints made out of craft foam.More »
This adorable little witch won't scare a soul. This is a fun and unique Halloween project.More »