Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Lace Wigs And Lace Fronts Are The Hottest Ticket Out There

The ability for the wig maker is of course the frontal area. Once the wig maker gets to the top and front area they will usually switch their ventilating needle to only pick up one hair for each knot. This allows the wig maker to make very small tight knots that are virtually impossible to be seen. The single hair knots, placement and hair direction has to look and move like natural hair and should not be noticeable to the eye. Once a lace front wig is finished, dressed or styled and placed on the head a small amount of lace adhesive is placed on the skin where the edge of the lace will sit, allowed to get tacky and then the lace is pressed into the adhesive where it disappears into the skin. Once the adhesive is completely dry normal daily make up can be applied and the wearer is ready to go.

Lace wigs and lace fronts have recently been seen on the streets since the popularity of some well seen celebrities who openly wear the wigs and lace front additions. Lace front wigs were originally only found in the theatre, the silver screen or on those who had the connections to have one made for them.

This is particularly important in the top and frontal area as this is where the hair must flow naturally and the way the lace is configured hair direction will be affected if the lace is not placed correctly. Once the wig maker has the cap completed they can do a final fitting to be sure the fit is correct and the front is smooth and tight. If adjustments need to be done this is the time to do it and a final fitting can be done just to check. Once the cap is finished the wig maker can now begin to ventilate the hair into the base. This is done with a hooked ventilating needle that can be gauged to pick up as many hairs as needed for a section of the wig.

A lace wig is truly the ultimate for any wig wearer. A lace front wig is made completely of a soft French or Swiss lace in several sections and the wig maker will take darts in the lace to make the material contour the head and because of this it is possible to get a glove tight fit for the wearer. They are different from wigs as we generally know them because they are usually made or at least tailored to fit the individual.

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