Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Fatigue - The Result of Stress

If you feel exhausted all the time, it could mean that you are suffering from excess stress.
When you are chronically stressed at work or at home (or both, which is even more common), your body doesn't get a chance to recuperate between crises.
Your system is under assault, and the end result is not only fatigue that is physical, but mental and emotional exhaustion as well.
In other words, you're burned out.
Many people get into the habit of using stimulants like caffeine and sugar to keep going, but the problem with the short-term solution is that you can end up with long-term health problems.
A better solution would obviously be to take a lovely long vacation, but since that is usually not practical for most people, the shortcut is to incorporate frequent breaks into your day.
Get up and stretch.
Go for a brisk walk.
Stand up and shake your arms and hands, like you are literally shrugging off the stress build-up.
Roll your head slowly in circles, trying to touch your chin to your chest, then your left ear to your left shoulder, lean your head back, then continue rolling your head for your right ear to touch your right shoulder.
You may feel stiff and sore at first, so take it easy and with practice you will feel more limber.
This quick exercise helps to relax your spine and get the blood flowing to your brain.
If you are in the habit of robbing your sleep time so you can get more work or chores done, put an end to that practice even if it means the laundry doesn't get folded tonight.
When you keep pushing yourself to be supermom or superdad, you give a bad example to your kids, and you shortchange yourself of the rest you need.
Look for ways to combine chores, do things faster, streamline your errands, and get rid of any busy work at the office.
You cannot take care of every detail that calls out to you for attention, or you risk being so chronically stressed that you could end up with high blood pressure, heart disease or even cancer.
Stress is a serious problem for many people.
Learn healthy, natural ways to reduce your stress and keep your anxiety under control, so that your body has a chance to recover from each day's workload, and be rested for the next day.

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