The Problem With Acne Treatments
One of the big problems with acne treatments is that the experts do not agree what causes dry skin acne, or any other type of acne.
With so many theories about the causes for acne, it's no surprise that there are also many cures for acne to explore if you are trying to find out how to have clear skin.
Many acne treatments are designed to dry up the excess oil (sebum) on your face and kill the bacteria that cause the inflammation.
While this sounds good, the treatments often only target the top layer of skin, leaving it feeling dry and uncomfortable.
On an already irritated face this has the potential to cause other problems.
Another skin care expert insists that the blemishes on your skin is where the problem is ending up, not starting.
Bacteria has nothing to do with acne whether your skin is dry, oily, or a combination.
He states that it is very important for you to understand that you're not going to cure your acne by washing your face with a cleanser and applying a cream or topical treatment.
The "root cause" of acne is internal, and until you address those internal issues you will never permanently cure your acne.
There are "cure acne" books that advocate holistic acne cures.
others that use natural systems to get rid of acne..
another claims a system to be acne free in three days.
Some authors stress correcting and maintaining precise hormonal balance and the link between insomnia, stress and acne.
With so many theories about the causes for acne, it's no surprise that there are also many cures for acne to explore if you are trying to find out how to have clear skin.
Many acne treatments are designed to dry up the excess oil (sebum) on your face and kill the bacteria that cause the inflammation.
While this sounds good, the treatments often only target the top layer of skin, leaving it feeling dry and uncomfortable.
On an already irritated face this has the potential to cause other problems.
Another skin care expert insists that the blemishes on your skin is where the problem is ending up, not starting.
Bacteria has nothing to do with acne whether your skin is dry, oily, or a combination.
He states that it is very important for you to understand that you're not going to cure your acne by washing your face with a cleanser and applying a cream or topical treatment.
The "root cause" of acne is internal, and until you address those internal issues you will never permanently cure your acne.
There are "cure acne" books that advocate holistic acne cures.
others that use natural systems to get rid of acne..
another claims a system to be acne free in three days.
Some authors stress correcting and maintaining precise hormonal balance and the link between insomnia, stress and acne.