Neck Pain - Part 2
I walked around bringing myself to.
A helicopter and ambulance and police were at the scene within 20 minutes, how they knew I don't know.
I was put in the ambulance with a collar around my neck, they thought I might have some serious damage.
I was placed in the ambulance and the medics were chatting to me to see how I was as we were driven to the local hospital.
After my mind and body had settled down I was laying on the 'bed' in the ambulance and thought "ok, I'm here now what can I do? It looks bad but I feel ok?" This is what I did.
While laying down I placed my hands on my front torso, one on my heart and one on my solar plexus (I practice reiki, this is hands on healing) you don't have to practice reiki, you can just use your imagination.
Now remember I asked you to keep an open mind.
I had now started the healing process.
Now I'm going to take the view that you DON'T know anything about reiki or the like.
So what you can do is what I did next and that was to do some rhythmic deep breathing.
Starting slowly and just being aware, like an observer - watching.
By concentrating on your breath your heart starts to slow down, oxygen is now going to places where it is depleted the brain is less agitated and a calmness is within you.
You have now started yogic breathing; even if you just do this it will help you in every situation.
Now with me I did this all the way to the hospital which was about a 30 minute drive away.
The ambulance crew, there were two of them inside with me were rather surprised at my composure and were expecting a reversal of what was going on.
I was calm and collected.
I am not discounting the possibility of shock, I'm sure there was some.
After the x-rays had been taken the doctors came around to discuss my case.
Although nothing was broken they had the opinion that there was severe whiplash and left me with a collar to wear.
They were concerned that I have severe arthritis at C7 and were surprised that I haven't been experiencing a lot more trouble and pain before.
I put it down to my yoga practice over the years.
They advised that I have physio every week.
A helicopter and ambulance and police were at the scene within 20 minutes, how they knew I don't know.
I was put in the ambulance with a collar around my neck, they thought I might have some serious damage.
I was placed in the ambulance and the medics were chatting to me to see how I was as we were driven to the local hospital.
After my mind and body had settled down I was laying on the 'bed' in the ambulance and thought "ok, I'm here now what can I do? It looks bad but I feel ok?" This is what I did.
While laying down I placed my hands on my front torso, one on my heart and one on my solar plexus (I practice reiki, this is hands on healing) you don't have to practice reiki, you can just use your imagination.
Now remember I asked you to keep an open mind.
I had now started the healing process.
Now I'm going to take the view that you DON'T know anything about reiki or the like.
So what you can do is what I did next and that was to do some rhythmic deep breathing.
Starting slowly and just being aware, like an observer - watching.
By concentrating on your breath your heart starts to slow down, oxygen is now going to places where it is depleted the brain is less agitated and a calmness is within you.
You have now started yogic breathing; even if you just do this it will help you in every situation.
Now with me I did this all the way to the hospital which was about a 30 minute drive away.
The ambulance crew, there were two of them inside with me were rather surprised at my composure and were expecting a reversal of what was going on.
I was calm and collected.
I am not discounting the possibility of shock, I'm sure there was some.
After the x-rays had been taken the doctors came around to discuss my case.
Although nothing was broken they had the opinion that there was severe whiplash and left me with a collar to wear.
They were concerned that I have severe arthritis at C7 and were surprised that I haven't been experiencing a lot more trouble and pain before.
I put it down to my yoga practice over the years.
They advised that I have physio every week.