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Designing Desert Plant Landscapes in Mesa, Arizona

Professional landscape designers that have expert knowledge in desert plants are hard to come by! This article will provide you with useful tips that will help you find a professional who will work with you to design a desert plant landscape expert in Mesa that contains indigenous, low maintenance plants perfect for your backyard.

Because you live in the desert, you already know that Mesa isn't just a sea of brown sand and tumbleweeds. Many visitors are surprised at the color and variety of plants in Arizona, those that are indigenous and those that are not. There are numerous desert plants that stay green all year long and some even produce colorful, attractive blooms.

Desert plant landscaping in Mesa, Arizona, if done correctly, can bring both beauty and very low maintenance into your backyard. You can start by finding out your USDA zone. USDA stands for United States Department of Agriculture and its zone maps are based on plant hardiness and their ability to thrive in the lowest temperatures of the region you live in. The USDA zone for Mesa, Arizona is 9, so be sure to choose plants that will grow well in that zone.

Most desert plants, including colorful shrubs and bushes, are hardy, drought tolerant, disease resistant and pretty easy to find. Looking for a little help? Here's some information about a popular desert plant that will make a great addition to your desert plant landscaping in Mesa.

Ground Morning Glory, also called Convolvulus Sabatius, is a tender perennial, a beautiful and cascading form of the morning glory. This hardy, non-invasive plant has the same lovely blue flowers you would expect from a morning glory, but this plant is not a climbing vine. Ground Morning Glory will grow to 6 inches tall but spill over other shrubs or the edge of walls in a lovely manner.

The Ground Morning Glory blooms all season long. It is excellent for edging, ground cover or trailing over walls. This desert plant loves the sun, likes good drainage and not too much water. It is extremely drought tolerant, disease resistant and can survive in even the worst desert condition. It also grows well with roses.

If you are still unsure about what will work in your desert plant landscaping in Mesa, there are plenty of online resources that can help you. For instance, many local landscaping companies have expertise in desert landscaping and plants that thrive in the area. They may also have a plant library that contains pictures and full descriptions of each plant. You can gather a lot of ideas from these plant libraries!

While you don't have to be a horticulturist to create a beautiful desert landscape in your backyard, it might be better if you just leave it to the experts. Hiring a professional desert plant landscaping company in Mesa, Arizona might just be your best bet. They can work with you to pick out the best plants that fit your taste, lifestyle and budget - and they can even help you maintain it!

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