Health & Medical Acne

Successful Treatment Of Rosacea And Acne Does Not Cure The Psychological Effects Suffered By These S

Psychological Effects and the Emotional Impact caused by Rosacea and Acne

Research has shown that 75% of rosacea and acne sufferers have reported psychological effects such as lowered self-esteem and self-confidence that lead to a reduced quality of life. As a former rosacea sufferer for 27 years, I can deeply relate to this statistic which has led me to write this article from personal experience. I also stress the importance of seeking medical advice if you feel your are suffering from psychological effects that you feel you can not manage.

My rosacea symptoms started at the beginning of the 1980's when I was in my late teens. It began with a light redness in the cheeks that became more intense as the day progressed. At first I thought I had contracted some sort of viral infection and tried to forget about it. However, after several weeks I continued to suffer from frequent flushing, which then lead to a permanent red complexion. At that time little was known about rosacea and the symptoms were considered to be a form of acne and were treated as such with sulphur based remedies. My doctor even recommended hot baths to relieve the symptoms; little did they know that these remedies actually made the condition worse, After a while I became very self-conscious of my appearance and had to endure the daily jokes such as: "Don't stand on street corners you might stop the traffic" or "Are you sun burnt again?" Even social occasions or nights down the pub with my friends became a challenging event, as I continually found myself searching for the darkest corners to hide my flushed face. Back in the 80's there was no Internet so the only source of trying to find a suitable remedy was through books in the local library, a quest that proved to be hopeless.

The years passed by and my condition neither worsened or improved, but thread like blood vessels were now visible on my cheeks - which people wrongly presumed to be a result of heavy drinking. Then in 1999 I experienced Internet for the first time, and to my delight through AltaVista, I discovered a rosacea remedy based on vitamin k. This was apparently used by plastic surgeons to quicken the healing process of plastic surgery. I eagerly applied the créme as per the instructions and checked my face at least 20 times per day, every day to see if there was any sign of improvement. After about 8 weeks my redness had not subsided but to my delight, I did notice that some of the blood vessels had disappeared. However, my excitement quickly turned to misery when blisters started appearing on my cheeks which was a side effect of this créme on sensitive skin; so I had to stop this treatment. I once again scoured Internet for other suitable remedies and tried most of them which cost a lot of time and money; but none of them worked. My disillusionment grew and my self confidence diminished as the depression caused by my rosacea condition began to take hold. I could no longer hold eye contact with people feeling inadequate, especially at social occasions - little did I know that I was developing symptoms of social phobia.

This Effective Rosacea Treatment Worked But The Emotional Effects Remained

A few years ago through a skin problem forum, I eventually found a rosacea solution by Zenmed which was recommended by one of the forum users. I purchased and applied this treatment expecting the same ineffectual results as with the others I had tried. After several weeks my pessimism was confirmed when I could see no difference to my red complexion in the mirror,

My social phobia symptoms had now reached their peak, I was suffering from deep anxiety as well as frequent panic attacks. My doctor recommended that I seek psychological advice treatment and cognitive therapy at my local hospital, which I did. I was prescribed an anti-depressive drug to alleviate the psychological symptoms of anxiety. My cognitive therapist looked at me skeptically as I described my skin problems and the emotional impact they had on my life caused me to end up here. My cognitive therapist then used the symptoms of Anorexia as a reverse analogy. At first I did not have a clue what she was going on about, but then the light suddenly switched on and the reason for this analogy became clear. My long term rosacea condition had caused such deep rooted emotional scars that it prevented me from seeing that my facial redness was actually no longer very prominent. Within a short while after my first therapy session, I could finally see that she was right - my face was in reality no longer flushed, this Zenmed rosacea treatment had unbelievably worked. My self-confidence and self-esteem grew quickly as my social phobia symptoms quickly diminished - 'A Feel Good Factor' had reurned a feeling that I thought I would never feel again.

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