Society & Culture & Entertainment Holidays & party

Outside Christmas Lighting Ideas

    Santa Claus Theme

    • Santa Claus can make a good building block for an outdoor Christmas lighting theme. Fill your yard with light-up Santa statues, or set your yard up to look like Santa's workshop. Place a Santa in the middle of the yard. Set elf light-up statues on a picnic table so they look like they are working on toys. Use blow-up yard decorations of gifts and candy canes to remind people of what Santa brings to good children on Christmas morning. Add a light-up Santa and his sleigh to your roof.

    Light Trees

    • Use outside Christmas lights to create light trees. Place a pole securely in the ground. Run strands of lights from the top of the pole to the ground. Have the strands come down at an angle, and when you have enough lights on the pole, it will look like a tree. Add a star to the top of the pole.

    LED Icicles

    • While standard white icicle lights can make a house look festive, programmable LED icicle lights can give your outside lighting display a dynamic edge. Program your LED icicle lights to change colors, or have them chase in a slow downward pattern that makes them look like they are melting. Set the lights up so they chase back and forth, or have them change colors in patterns.

    Projection Lights

    • Decorate your whole yard. Use inexpensive projectors to project a Christmas image on the outside of your home. Use projection lights on the three sides of your home that are not facing the front yard. Decorate your front yard with regular outside Christmas lights.

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