Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

How to Get Pregnant With Twins Naturally

Many couples actually obsess over having twins.
Imagine how amazing it is to see two children growing up side by side.
On the other hand, you should also know that multiple pregnancy comes with risks and complications which include premature birth and preeclampsia.
You can get pregnant with twins with the help of fertility drugs.
But if you want to do it the natural way, you can follow the four tips below: 1.
Consider your family history Multiple pregnancy is often hereditary.
If you have a family member or relative who is a twin, there is a chance that you will be pregnant with twins.
Additionally, if your maternal grandmother or your mother was or had fraternal twins, you may inherit a hyperovulation gene which enables you to have multiple pregnancy.
If there are no twins in your family, get a partner who is a twin to increase your chances of getting multiple babies.
Wait until you are mature enough A mother who is pregnant at the age of 35 years old or older is more likely to conceive twins compared to those who are below 35 years old.
As women get older, their biological clock ticks faster and hence the body accelerates the ovulation process.
17 percent of women over 45 years old are blessed with multiple pregnancy.
The odds will rise to one in nine as you get older.
On the other hand, the risk of developing complications during pregnancy such as miscarriages, chromosomal abnormalities, and gestational diabetes is also higher in older women.
Consume plenty of yams and dairy products Women of the Yoruba tribe in West Africa have the highest rate of multiple pregnancy thanks to their diet, which consists mostly of yams (also known as sweet potatoes).
A research revealed that the skin of this root vegetable contains a chemical that triggers hyperovulation.
Additionally, a study conducted in 2006 also revealed that women who consume plenty of dairy products are five times more likely to have twins than those who do not.
Gain weight or grow The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology conducted a study which revealed the connection between obesity and multiple pregnancy.
Mothers who have a Body Mass Index of 30 or higher are more likely to be pregnant with fraternal twins than those with lower BMI.
Besides that, women of above-average heights are also more likely to conceive multiples.

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