Health & Medical Health Care

A Head Lice Comb Versus a Traditional Comb - What is the Difference?

Unlike an ordinary comb or brush for the hair, a head lice comb is uniquely designed with extremely narrow spaces between each tooth.
A regular comb may have teeth of varying widths depending if it is for thick, thin, long, or short hair but a head lice comb will always have very tiny teeth close together.
The reason lice combs are designed in such a way is to allow the individual strands of hair to easily glide through, but cause the lice and their nits or eggs to be trapped within the comb's teeth.
A comb intended for removing lice may be made of different types of plastic as well as those made of metal.
If you are dealing with a heavy infestation of head lice, you may want to use a sturdier, metal comb as they will last longer though several uses.
If you do use a metal head lice comb, do be careful when combing all through the hair as they can scrape the scalp if you use too much pressure.
And even if there are only a few nits spotted near the scalp, you will still need a comb intended for removing lice as opposed to one meant for just grooming purposes.
Whether plastic or metal, it is definitely easier to work with hair that is wet when using a head lice comb.
The hair should be first treated with either a home remedy for killing lice or a commercial product that performs the same purpose, such as a lice killing shampoo.
After treating the hair, use a regular comb to detangle the hair before attempting to use this special comb, and most especially if the hair is long or thick to eliminate any unnecessary pain while combing.
When using a lice comb, choose a well lit room and start at the nape or the base of the back of the neck and work your way toward the top of the head.
Although lice and their nits can be lurking anywhere on the head, they do prefer the places that are the warmest, such as behind the ears, the nape of the neck, and near the hairline.
After you have finished with the back of the head, use the head lice comb in the front beginning with parting the hair near the crown and repeat the process working with very small sections of hair to avoid tangling and also avoid missing any nits.
Although you may be tempted to think that the lice and their eggs will be killed or removed after shampooing or using some type of lice treatment, the nits that remain clinging to the base of the hair shaft near the scalp will eventually hatch, causing another outbreak to occur if every single one of them are not removed with a head lice comb.
Using a head lice comb can definitely help to bring a stop to an infestation of these small but incredibly bothersome little pests.

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