Do As The Romans Do!
Well folks; its about time to make war! You would think that we have enough on our hands, what with the present war in Iraq, and the ongoing "American-like actions" of Iran! The Iraqi people now in power with a newly established government is on the job! Problem is; they still think they are all self-employed! You can see that, right? The government now in power in the United States is giving us a lot of "news" that the Iraqi government is going great guns, and making "headway" into the populace, as far as getting them on the "democratic" side of viewing their country.
However it is just too plain that the reality is much different than the "government owned media" would have us believe! The reality of the situation is that of another war! Yep; Vietnam! I do hate to "re-hash" our old failures! I am not one that likes to look back, not at history, nor in my personal life, without good reason.
It makes the rest of my day filled with somber thoughts.
But this time it is essential to do so.
The war in Vietnam was lost, you might remember my way of looking at this, by the geography! You see, the geography had beaten us, or at least hastened our defeat, and it was a defeat, before the first shot was fired! The very long border with other countries outside the sphere of battle, who for the most part, could not control their borders, and didn't want to, was the cause of our destruction! It is best if a country turns a "blind eye" to any penetration by enemy forces, because to do so brings in the cash! And cash is the reason for the whole movement of any war! Don't let anyone fool you into thinking that it isn't! Cash is the reason.
The cash is for weapons; manpower; planes; shipping; and to deplete the "old technology" from a countries' stockpile.
And of course no one stock piles like the Americans' stockpile! We had to eat C-rations from WWII when in Vietnam! Smoke them nasty dried-out "Kool" cigarets! Man, what flavor the food was! I can still remember, and still get sick, over the very mention of "ham and eggs" a' la' cart! Cart is short of "container older than your mother! But cash not only greases the wheels, it greases the palms, and most effectively, in any country that is "blind" and bordering the theater of any war.
Now we have also to deal with border countries that have a religious tie-in with the warring parties.
Yep! Got to consider both sides! Christian and Muslim or whatever.
Whatever is most abundant, and whatever is staying out of the action! It works both ways, so you have to consider it like it is, thus "reality" virtually steps in! It is August, nearly September! And that is way late! You see, traditionally, wars are "started", or fully developed as far as beginning stages, in March.
March is the month so named because people "marched" off to war.
So you can see we are a bit late? But I tell you this, pardon my simplicity of statement, to point out the very obvious! March is not good in this Geography! Geography controls all "reality" when it comes to war.
Secondary is the weapons and the plans for war.
And over all, like an umbrella, open or shut, is the fact of cash! You begin to see now how the world works? Good.
Hotter than blazes, the sands of Iraq.
And so with the border countries.
Too hot to make war, practically.
I mean, it can be done, right? We have seen it done.
But, who would not rather fight in the "winter" rather than in the heat.
Youhave trouble making war in very hot conditions you see? You can't get a good grip on your metal weapons for instance! So again, geography is the topmost thing to consider about making war.
Today, we are making another war.
Which really is only an extension of the war we are presently fighting.
I thought that we would by now be in some country, such as Iran, to "fight off nuclear proliferation".
That is "proliferation" is much like "terrorism", isn't it? I mean by that, the saying is; your patriot is my terrorist".
So naming is almost everything.
But cash is everything! But instead of making sure that Iran does not become a new "America" in its empirical moves, I believed, was the next moment for us.
That is, in making a "lasting peace"; until we decide to make another war! I was wrong! But not wrong at the time.
Just now; I was wrong before.
You see, as the theater curtains draw open, it is not the Iranian "scene" we see! It is one of a different place, but still of the Middle East! The scene is the "Holy land" Yes, Israel is the new scene in this growing monstrosity of a war play! Our troops are called back into service, during the first months of their departure to live finally as civilians.
Called by order and with authority of the contract they had when they joined.
They had a small paragraph that says basically, "You must be on call twenty-four-seven! For two years after you leave active duty.
In case your country needs you.
" In case the country needs to spend/earn more cash! Spending and earning is much the same thing you see? In war, we print money, that we borrow from "Them".
Then we buy weapons from companies controlled by "Them".
Then we send our men to fight and die in the country and for the reasons that are set by "Them"! Who is "Them"? "Them" is the ones with the golden rule uppermost in their minds! "The person with the gold, rules!" That is the "Golden rule"! Plain and simple is it not? You want to give us control over your money? Fine, we wanted you to do that! So we bought and paid your "representatives" in Congress! And your religious authorities! Don't forget, there were a lot of moving and shaking on an island to "protect" "The Churches'" "income"! Hard to type that.
But none-the-less true! Reality again.
It begins to creep into every thought.
Have to do something about that, really! Maybe in the next country we get to set up? And we will need to set one up! Because this one is bought and paid for.
You see, we are being controlled, not only in cash, wealth, property, but in our population, by "Them"! They make no bones about it.
They have told us for years that something had to be done about over population! Did we listen? No! Nor should we have listened! But those who have enough money to buy countries, land to put a "greenie" African style; African animal populated; and gamed managed state; can and will do something about you people breeding like gerbils! Thus this war! And many more like it to come in the future.
But we were talking about this future, today, this reality.
What about it? Well, like all your future plans, you had better be prepared to send your sons and daughters off to war/peace keeping in Israel! Because I was wrong! About the time-table! The people that want Israel to die, have moved much more rapidly this time! Today they have pushed a war to the front lines of not only the newspaper, but to the front of the war itself! Israel is going to have to play "hardball" with the many border countries surrounding them once again! Will they lose? Nope.
I am sure Israel will not lose, no matter what! But the siege is about to begin! The American forces are being martialed.
The plans are long laid, and now will be implemented.
The war machinery has begun to snatch up all the stock-piled goods needed by any Army and Navy to fight a war of duration.
Duration, because unlike other wars, (not including Vietnam here!) this is meant to do more than one thing; win! This war is one of "attrition" again.
Not in land gained, or owned.
Not in weapons and machinery use.
Not in money spent/earned.
Not this time! This time war will be used for "religious" reasons, as in the old " days gone past; Crusades! Crusades to keep the "Holy Land" free and "religious", that is; free and Christian and Muslim; and any other religion based thereupon.
But that is not the big story here! Believe it or not.
The Big Story here is that the Spanish, yep, I said Spanish! King is about to give Jerusalem to the Vatican! Your shocked right? I think you are shocked! Well, perhaps you should not be.
The Vatican has always wanted Jerusalem.
To end the many wars and strife of past conflicts, such as the Crusades, there was a bargain, a contract if you will, struck.
Jerusalem would be left in the status of being "divided" into areas.
Areas of influence of each "religion" that wanted or were involved at the time the contract was made.
Jerusalem, they say, is about to finally be given over! "Finally", meaning that the contract should have been fulfilled long ago.
But because of all the fighting between Israel and its border "religious inspired" wars, it could not be completed.
The Spanish King was appointed a "Lord Protector of the Faith", and thus he has control of Jerusalem! Much as the area of New York and the United Nations areas are "protected" and not inside the everyday set rules of law and regulations which Americans have to follow.
Washington D.
is just such a place also.
There is no "voting" for President, for example in Washington D.
It is set up as a "district" to house our " "national government".
That term is in quotes because it is not a real national governing body, nor is it ours! If you think that is wrong, then try making your vote count! Or count the votes! Or try to say "no" to the latest ways of keeping tabs on your life, person, movement, auto driving, and banking! Then you will find out that this country has been absconded right in front of our eyes! The latest thing is apparently the small device in new automobiles that "records" your driving habits.
It is embedded with your "crash" defenses, the "bomb" you have inside your steering wheel.
It is charged with dynamite.
You think it will help keep your insurance bill lower? That is what you are being sold on.
But far from the truth of reality! In reality, you are being "monitored".
Your driving records; which will be used against you in court! Admissible evidence not supplied by you, it can be "admitted".
That is about the only thing admitted about this thing! Your driving habits; proof of your hard braking; fast driving; and take-offs; and of course your maintenance record of any lack or accomplished maintenance service! You see, you can be given a ticket for ignoring the maintenance of your vehicle! A ticket; for driving too fast when you are in a slow speed zone.
How? By matching your position, in it proper time, reality! Inside any slow speed zone you happen to ignore.
A ticket for driving fast through a school zone, you bad person! A ticket for driving at night; or in the daytime; or for driving, when you are not "supposed" to.
Monitoring your every direction, place visited, turns, stops, starts, speed, gasoline and oil usage, and of course, your miles driven! Oh, yes! "Them" people can have that done in a flash! You rob a bank, or refuse to give your fingerprint to get money, not getting the cash, you run out of the bank? Where you gonna hide? No where! You will be monitored from satellite, and shut down the same way! A satellite signal will be used to disable your car.
Think not? Well it is a fact, Jack! You cannot drive if your "non-spark" plug is not plugging.
And you will earn yourself a ticket, if they ration gas, or your insurance is not in place, and if your driving license runs out.
In that very moment! Not tomorrow; in reality! When your license or inspection, having been obtained by your spending your hard earned money, at ten o'clock A.
many months ago, "runs out"; at ten o'clock A.
today it will stop your car! "Them" guys are running things now, not the ballot box! As "Them" people laugh at your situation, they are planning a duel assault on your billfold! An extended war; and a draft of our young men and women; and martial law! You see, to defeat our "home-grown" terrorists, and to keep us "safe" from "terrorism", we are going to have to go under a "modified for your safety"Martial Law.
That is done during every war! Think not? Look it up! Martial Law then enables the government, not of "the people", but of "the "Them", to make your billfold sweat until it has nothing salty left in it! To be replaced with the "new money" (again under martial law) that can more easily be tracked and traced! Yep, the war is NOT in Israel only.
The real war; in reality; in real time; is right here! Dan Bunch
However it is just too plain that the reality is much different than the "government owned media" would have us believe! The reality of the situation is that of another war! Yep; Vietnam! I do hate to "re-hash" our old failures! I am not one that likes to look back, not at history, nor in my personal life, without good reason.
It makes the rest of my day filled with somber thoughts.
But this time it is essential to do so.
The war in Vietnam was lost, you might remember my way of looking at this, by the geography! You see, the geography had beaten us, or at least hastened our defeat, and it was a defeat, before the first shot was fired! The very long border with other countries outside the sphere of battle, who for the most part, could not control their borders, and didn't want to, was the cause of our destruction! It is best if a country turns a "blind eye" to any penetration by enemy forces, because to do so brings in the cash! And cash is the reason for the whole movement of any war! Don't let anyone fool you into thinking that it isn't! Cash is the reason.
The cash is for weapons; manpower; planes; shipping; and to deplete the "old technology" from a countries' stockpile.
And of course no one stock piles like the Americans' stockpile! We had to eat C-rations from WWII when in Vietnam! Smoke them nasty dried-out "Kool" cigarets! Man, what flavor the food was! I can still remember, and still get sick, over the very mention of "ham and eggs" a' la' cart! Cart is short of "container older than your mother! But cash not only greases the wheels, it greases the palms, and most effectively, in any country that is "blind" and bordering the theater of any war.
Now we have also to deal with border countries that have a religious tie-in with the warring parties.
Yep! Got to consider both sides! Christian and Muslim or whatever.
Whatever is most abundant, and whatever is staying out of the action! It works both ways, so you have to consider it like it is, thus "reality" virtually steps in! It is August, nearly September! And that is way late! You see, traditionally, wars are "started", or fully developed as far as beginning stages, in March.
March is the month so named because people "marched" off to war.
So you can see we are a bit late? But I tell you this, pardon my simplicity of statement, to point out the very obvious! March is not good in this Geography! Geography controls all "reality" when it comes to war.
Secondary is the weapons and the plans for war.
And over all, like an umbrella, open or shut, is the fact of cash! You begin to see now how the world works? Good.
Hotter than blazes, the sands of Iraq.
And so with the border countries.
Too hot to make war, practically.
I mean, it can be done, right? We have seen it done.
But, who would not rather fight in the "winter" rather than in the heat.
Youhave trouble making war in very hot conditions you see? You can't get a good grip on your metal weapons for instance! So again, geography is the topmost thing to consider about making war.
Today, we are making another war.
Which really is only an extension of the war we are presently fighting.
I thought that we would by now be in some country, such as Iran, to "fight off nuclear proliferation".
That is "proliferation" is much like "terrorism", isn't it? I mean by that, the saying is; your patriot is my terrorist".
So naming is almost everything.
But cash is everything! But instead of making sure that Iran does not become a new "America" in its empirical moves, I believed, was the next moment for us.
That is, in making a "lasting peace"; until we decide to make another war! I was wrong! But not wrong at the time.
Just now; I was wrong before.
You see, as the theater curtains draw open, it is not the Iranian "scene" we see! It is one of a different place, but still of the Middle East! The scene is the "Holy land" Yes, Israel is the new scene in this growing monstrosity of a war play! Our troops are called back into service, during the first months of their departure to live finally as civilians.
Called by order and with authority of the contract they had when they joined.
They had a small paragraph that says basically, "You must be on call twenty-four-seven! For two years after you leave active duty.
In case your country needs you.
" In case the country needs to spend/earn more cash! Spending and earning is much the same thing you see? In war, we print money, that we borrow from "Them".
Then we buy weapons from companies controlled by "Them".
Then we send our men to fight and die in the country and for the reasons that are set by "Them"! Who is "Them"? "Them" is the ones with the golden rule uppermost in their minds! "The person with the gold, rules!" That is the "Golden rule"! Plain and simple is it not? You want to give us control over your money? Fine, we wanted you to do that! So we bought and paid your "representatives" in Congress! And your religious authorities! Don't forget, there were a lot of moving and shaking on an island to "protect" "The Churches'" "income"! Hard to type that.
But none-the-less true! Reality again.
It begins to creep into every thought.
Have to do something about that, really! Maybe in the next country we get to set up? And we will need to set one up! Because this one is bought and paid for.
You see, we are being controlled, not only in cash, wealth, property, but in our population, by "Them"! They make no bones about it.
They have told us for years that something had to be done about over population! Did we listen? No! Nor should we have listened! But those who have enough money to buy countries, land to put a "greenie" African style; African animal populated; and gamed managed state; can and will do something about you people breeding like gerbils! Thus this war! And many more like it to come in the future.
But we were talking about this future, today, this reality.
What about it? Well, like all your future plans, you had better be prepared to send your sons and daughters off to war/peace keeping in Israel! Because I was wrong! About the time-table! The people that want Israel to die, have moved much more rapidly this time! Today they have pushed a war to the front lines of not only the newspaper, but to the front of the war itself! Israel is going to have to play "hardball" with the many border countries surrounding them once again! Will they lose? Nope.
I am sure Israel will not lose, no matter what! But the siege is about to begin! The American forces are being martialed.
The plans are long laid, and now will be implemented.
The war machinery has begun to snatch up all the stock-piled goods needed by any Army and Navy to fight a war of duration.
Duration, because unlike other wars, (not including Vietnam here!) this is meant to do more than one thing; win! This war is one of "attrition" again.
Not in land gained, or owned.
Not in weapons and machinery use.
Not in money spent/earned.
Not this time! This time war will be used for "religious" reasons, as in the old " days gone past; Crusades! Crusades to keep the "Holy Land" free and "religious", that is; free and Christian and Muslim; and any other religion based thereupon.
But that is not the big story here! Believe it or not.
The Big Story here is that the Spanish, yep, I said Spanish! King is about to give Jerusalem to the Vatican! Your shocked right? I think you are shocked! Well, perhaps you should not be.
The Vatican has always wanted Jerusalem.
To end the many wars and strife of past conflicts, such as the Crusades, there was a bargain, a contract if you will, struck.
Jerusalem would be left in the status of being "divided" into areas.
Areas of influence of each "religion" that wanted or were involved at the time the contract was made.
Jerusalem, they say, is about to finally be given over! "Finally", meaning that the contract should have been fulfilled long ago.
But because of all the fighting between Israel and its border "religious inspired" wars, it could not be completed.
The Spanish King was appointed a "Lord Protector of the Faith", and thus he has control of Jerusalem! Much as the area of New York and the United Nations areas are "protected" and not inside the everyday set rules of law and regulations which Americans have to follow.
Washington D.
is just such a place also.
There is no "voting" for President, for example in Washington D.
It is set up as a "district" to house our " "national government".
That term is in quotes because it is not a real national governing body, nor is it ours! If you think that is wrong, then try making your vote count! Or count the votes! Or try to say "no" to the latest ways of keeping tabs on your life, person, movement, auto driving, and banking! Then you will find out that this country has been absconded right in front of our eyes! The latest thing is apparently the small device in new automobiles that "records" your driving habits.
It is embedded with your "crash" defenses, the "bomb" you have inside your steering wheel.
It is charged with dynamite.
You think it will help keep your insurance bill lower? That is what you are being sold on.
But far from the truth of reality! In reality, you are being "monitored".
Your driving records; which will be used against you in court! Admissible evidence not supplied by you, it can be "admitted".
That is about the only thing admitted about this thing! Your driving habits; proof of your hard braking; fast driving; and take-offs; and of course your maintenance record of any lack or accomplished maintenance service! You see, you can be given a ticket for ignoring the maintenance of your vehicle! A ticket; for driving too fast when you are in a slow speed zone.
How? By matching your position, in it proper time, reality! Inside any slow speed zone you happen to ignore.
A ticket for driving fast through a school zone, you bad person! A ticket for driving at night; or in the daytime; or for driving, when you are not "supposed" to.
Monitoring your every direction, place visited, turns, stops, starts, speed, gasoline and oil usage, and of course, your miles driven! Oh, yes! "Them" people can have that done in a flash! You rob a bank, or refuse to give your fingerprint to get money, not getting the cash, you run out of the bank? Where you gonna hide? No where! You will be monitored from satellite, and shut down the same way! A satellite signal will be used to disable your car.
Think not? Well it is a fact, Jack! You cannot drive if your "non-spark" plug is not plugging.
And you will earn yourself a ticket, if they ration gas, or your insurance is not in place, and if your driving license runs out.
In that very moment! Not tomorrow; in reality! When your license or inspection, having been obtained by your spending your hard earned money, at ten o'clock A.
many months ago, "runs out"; at ten o'clock A.
today it will stop your car! "Them" guys are running things now, not the ballot box! As "Them" people laugh at your situation, they are planning a duel assault on your billfold! An extended war; and a draft of our young men and women; and martial law! You see, to defeat our "home-grown" terrorists, and to keep us "safe" from "terrorism", we are going to have to go under a "modified for your safety"Martial Law.
That is done during every war! Think not? Look it up! Martial Law then enables the government, not of "the people", but of "the "Them", to make your billfold sweat until it has nothing salty left in it! To be replaced with the "new money" (again under martial law) that can more easily be tracked and traced! Yep, the war is NOT in Israel only.
The real war; in reality; in real time; is right here! Dan Bunch