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How to Start a Car With an Interlock System

    • 1). Sit down in the driver's seat of the vehicle. Put on the seat belt and do not put the keys in the ignition until you are told to do so by the device.

    • 2). Turn on the interlock system. Wait for the device to warm up and give you the message to "blow now."

    • 3). Blow into the mouthpiece on the device for at least six seconds. Allow the device to go through the detection cycle. When the device is finished, it will tell you whether you passed or failed. If you pass, it will tell you to start the car. If you fail, you cannot start the car.

    • 4). Place the key in the ignition, turn on the car and start driving. If the system requires a rolling test, you will be prompted during your ride to take the test while you are driving. You can pull over if it you are not comfortable taking the test while driving, but do not turn off the ignition. Blow into the mouthpiece for six seconds or until you hear a beep. Allow the system to detect blood-alcohol content. If "pass" flashes on the screen, continue driving. The rolling test is random and can happen at any time. An alert will sound from the device telling you it is time to take the test.

    • 5). Place the vehicle in park, turn off the ignition and wait for the device to flash "OK to unplug" before removing the keys and exiting the vehicle.

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