Gopher Types
- The gophers in the cratogeomys genus are commonly known as Mexican pocket gophers. The eight species in this genus are most common in Central America but some, such as the yellow-faced pocket gopher, range as far north as Kansas and Colorado. Like all gophers, these species are herbivores and only eat plant material. The other species in this group are the smoky, Goldman's, Llano, Merriams, Queretaro, naked-nosed and Zinsters pocket gophers.
- The eastern pocket gophers belong to the genus geomys and range from the Southeastern U.S. westward to Texas, north to Canada and down into parts of Central America. The southeastern pocket gopher is one of the more common in this family living throughout Alabama, Georgia and Florida. Like all pocket gopher species, the animals in this group are solitary, only meeting up to breed. The other species in this group are the desert, Attwater's, Baird's, plains, Knox Jones, Texas, Central Texas and Tropical pocket gophers.
- The nine species in the genus thomomys are commonly known as western pocket gophers. These animals are found commonly in the Western United States, ranging from Washington, Oregon and California eastward to the more central states such as Texas and Colorado. The species in this group include Botta's, Wyoming, Idaho, mountain and southern pocket gophers.
- The two species found in the pappogeomys genera are commonly known as southern pocket gophers. Both are native to Central America and, like all pocket gophers, live in underground burrow systems. The species in this group are Alcorn's and Buller's pocket gophers.
- Taltuza is Spanish for gopher and two genera of pocket gopher are commonly referred to by this name. Orthgeomys consists of 11 species including the largest of all gophers, the giant pocket gopher. It grows to almost a foot in length and about 29 ounces in weight. The species in this genus live only in Central America and more commonly in Mexico. Other gophers in this group include the hispid, Cherries and Darien pocket gophers. The sole species in the genus Zygogeomys also is found only in Central America. The Michoacan pocket gopher is considered endangered.