Family & Relationships Conflict

Cheats for "Danny Phantom: The Ultimate Enemy" by Nick

    Dash's Haunted Locker

    • To unlock the "Dash's Haunted Locker" mini-game, enter "Dash" at the password prompt.

    Hindin' Ghost Seek

    • To unlock the "Hindin' Ghost Seek" mini-game, enter "Seek" at the password prompt.


    • To unlock the "Levitation" mini-game, enter "Jazz" at the password prompt.

    Sam's X-Ray Ecto Detector

    • To unlock the "Sam's X-Ray Ecto Detector" mini-game, enter "Ecto" at the password prompt.

    Boss Rush Mode

    • To unlock "Boss Rush" mode, enter "Rush" at the password prompt. This mode allows you to face the game's bosses in rapid succession instead of playing through each level.

    Alternate Difficulty

    • To unlock the "Easy" and "Hard" difficulty settings, enter "Vlad" at the password prompt.

    Clockwork's Time Quest/Mission Mode

    • To unlock "Clockwork's Time Quest/Mission Mode," all you have to do is beat the regular game once on "Normal" difficulty. When you start up your saved game again, Clockwork will appear and explain the "Time Quest/Mission Mode." This allows you to fight specific enemies or complete levels with certain conditions or restrictions in order to earn medals.

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