Tinnitus and TMJ
Tinnitus is triggered by multiple internal factors and therefore can only be treated by tackling all of those internal elements responsible for tinnitus and not by masking the noise or by calming the muscles or nerves of the outer ear (as with laser treatments for tinnitus, for example). The only way you can ever cure your tinnitus is by correctly diagnosing your condition from within by listening to what your body is trying to tell you, work with it and free yourself.
If you have Tinnitus and tmj, beside the more conventional causes such as damage to the ear nerves (the cochlea) or sinus problems, it is also possible that your tinnitus is related to severe ear infection. Moreover, there are few cases of tinnitus that are directly involved with aneurysm or a brain tumor (acoustic tumor). Failing to correctly diagnose (I provide every diagnosis tool possible in my guide) and treat infections or problems in your brain on time can cause serious long-term health consequences.
Tinnitus and tmj has been defined as "the conscious experience of a sound that originates in the head of its owner." Everyone has experienced sounds that did not originate from their outside world, at one time or another. But the true tinnitus and tmj victim suffers from a constant ringing, hissing, or buzzing sound that in some instances can drive the patient almost insane. They also suffer from many of the complaints described above.
Tinnitus and tmj is not a disease, but a symptom that can result from a wide range of underlying causes: abnormally loud sounds in the ear canal for even the briefest period (but usually with some duration), ear infections, foreign objects in the ear, nasal allergies that prevent (or induce) fluid drain, or wax build-up. Withdrawal from a benzodiazepine addiction may cause tinnitus and tmj as well. In-ear headphones, whose sound enters directly into the ear canal without any opportunity to be deflected or absorbed elsewhere, is a common cause of tinnitus and tmj when volume is set beyond moderate levels. Tinnitus and tmj could a disability (tinnitus and tmj disability).
Tinnitus and tmj can also be caused by natural hearing impairment (as is often seen in ageing), as a side effect of some medications, and as a side effect of genetic (congenital) hearing loss. However, the most common cause is noise-induced hearing loss.
As tinnitus and tmj is usually a false subjective phenomenon, it is difficult to measure using objective tests, such as by comparison with noise of known frequency and intensity, as in an audiometric test. The condition is often rated clinically on a simple scale from "slight" to "catastrophic" according to the practical difficulties it imposes, such as interference with sleep, quiet activities, and normal daily activities.
Tinnitus and tmj is common; about one in five people between 55 and 65 years old report symptoms on a general health questionnaire, and 11.8% on more detailed tinnitus and tmj-specific questionnaires.
tinnitus and TMJ Symptom Sharing
Over activity of these muscles can sometimes cause a ringing sensation, called tinnitus and tmj. It is not unusual for the patient with TMJ/CMD to complain of ringing in their ears, or vertigo. The tensor tympani and tensor levi palatini are tensed whenever the jaw-closing muscles are tensed, i.e., when ever the jaw is clenched. The reason is that the same nerve (the trigeminal) feeds all of the muscles of mastication as well as these two important ear muscles.
Many of the patients that we see at our office present with tinnitus and tmj (ringing in the ears) as a primary or secondary complaint. tinnitus and tmj may occur alone, or in concert with other symptoms.
The most common pattern of complaints with these patients is as follows:
head, neck and back pain
dizziness (vertigo)
otalgia (ear pain)
impaired hearing
stuffy sensations in the ears
double and blurred vision
various jaw joint noises
sinus pain
frequent sore throats
migraines, headaches
It's a serious problem, but there are cures available.
Tinnitus and TMJ can make life very difficult. Many people spend lots of time and worry trying to eliminate it. But how does one get rid of the tinnitus disability, where it affects you greatly?
Imagine yourself in few weeks or a year from now... Are you still suffering from this tormenting condition, from constant ringing and buzzing and the stress and edginess that accompanies it or...are you living a full, active tinnitus and tmj free life, enjoying renewed energy and vitality without the annoying symptoms of tinnitus and tmj? The choice is yours...
If you're even remotely interested in learning the truth about permanent tinnitus freedom, then check out my site, at http://tinnitusandtmj.wordpress.com/ Bear in mind that 95% of the people in this world are going to keep looking for that fairy tale pill or quick fix treatment. It gives great advice on how to beat tinnitus and tmj. It's worth a try and there are pages which are all free, and have in-depth info on how to beat tinnitus and tmj.
If you have Tinnitus and tmj, beside the more conventional causes such as damage to the ear nerves (the cochlea) or sinus problems, it is also possible that your tinnitus is related to severe ear infection. Moreover, there are few cases of tinnitus that are directly involved with aneurysm or a brain tumor (acoustic tumor). Failing to correctly diagnose (I provide every diagnosis tool possible in my guide) and treat infections or problems in your brain on time can cause serious long-term health consequences.
Tinnitus and tmj has been defined as "the conscious experience of a sound that originates in the head of its owner." Everyone has experienced sounds that did not originate from their outside world, at one time or another. But the true tinnitus and tmj victim suffers from a constant ringing, hissing, or buzzing sound that in some instances can drive the patient almost insane. They also suffer from many of the complaints described above.
Tinnitus and tmj is not a disease, but a symptom that can result from a wide range of underlying causes: abnormally loud sounds in the ear canal for even the briefest period (but usually with some duration), ear infections, foreign objects in the ear, nasal allergies that prevent (or induce) fluid drain, or wax build-up. Withdrawal from a benzodiazepine addiction may cause tinnitus and tmj as well. In-ear headphones, whose sound enters directly into the ear canal without any opportunity to be deflected or absorbed elsewhere, is a common cause of tinnitus and tmj when volume is set beyond moderate levels. Tinnitus and tmj could a disability (tinnitus and tmj disability).
Tinnitus and tmj can also be caused by natural hearing impairment (as is often seen in ageing), as a side effect of some medications, and as a side effect of genetic (congenital) hearing loss. However, the most common cause is noise-induced hearing loss.
As tinnitus and tmj is usually a false subjective phenomenon, it is difficult to measure using objective tests, such as by comparison with noise of known frequency and intensity, as in an audiometric test. The condition is often rated clinically on a simple scale from "slight" to "catastrophic" according to the practical difficulties it imposes, such as interference with sleep, quiet activities, and normal daily activities.
Tinnitus and tmj is common; about one in five people between 55 and 65 years old report symptoms on a general health questionnaire, and 11.8% on more detailed tinnitus and tmj-specific questionnaires.
tinnitus and TMJ Symptom Sharing
Over activity of these muscles can sometimes cause a ringing sensation, called tinnitus and tmj. It is not unusual for the patient with TMJ/CMD to complain of ringing in their ears, or vertigo. The tensor tympani and tensor levi palatini are tensed whenever the jaw-closing muscles are tensed, i.e., when ever the jaw is clenched. The reason is that the same nerve (the trigeminal) feeds all of the muscles of mastication as well as these two important ear muscles.
Many of the patients that we see at our office present with tinnitus and tmj (ringing in the ears) as a primary or secondary complaint. tinnitus and tmj may occur alone, or in concert with other symptoms.
The most common pattern of complaints with these patients is as follows:
head, neck and back pain
dizziness (vertigo)
otalgia (ear pain)
impaired hearing
stuffy sensations in the ears
double and blurred vision
various jaw joint noises
sinus pain
frequent sore throats
migraines, headaches
It's a serious problem, but there are cures available.
Tinnitus and TMJ can make life very difficult. Many people spend lots of time and worry trying to eliminate it. But how does one get rid of the tinnitus disability, where it affects you greatly?
Imagine yourself in few weeks or a year from now... Are you still suffering from this tormenting condition, from constant ringing and buzzing and the stress and edginess that accompanies it or...are you living a full, active tinnitus and tmj free life, enjoying renewed energy and vitality without the annoying symptoms of tinnitus and tmj? The choice is yours...
If you're even remotely interested in learning the truth about permanent tinnitus freedom, then check out my site, at http://tinnitusandtmj.wordpress.com/ Bear in mind that 95% of the people in this world are going to keep looking for that fairy tale pill or quick fix treatment. It gives great advice on how to beat tinnitus and tmj. It's worth a try and there are pages which are all free, and have in-depth info on how to beat tinnitus and tmj.